Chapter 11

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Back in the Snake's Den

For the next few weeks, Sasuke stayed at Sakura's apartment. He didn't want to impose on any of his former classmates and he didn't want to bug Kakashi again. Sakura was quite accommodating though, despite working so much. As a neo-sannin, she was sought after in the medical field. In fact, people came from abroad to receive specialized treatment. Sasuke found himself feeling a little jealous of her expertise in healing. If only he could help people in a way that was meaningful. Still, he was also extremely proud of her and happy that she had accomplished so much over the years. As he walked through the village with the boxed lunch, she'd prepared for him, he reflected on a time when they'd met long ago and he'd seen her strength first-hand. 


Sasuke woke on his fifteenth birthday, feeling lonelier than ever. It was two years since he began training with Orochimaru and every day was a struggle. He was forever in the darkness and felt the weight of his decision to leave the village like lead on his shoulders. He kept his goal in mind constantly, knowing that he would avenge his clan and kill Itachi. Still, it was days like today that made him think about what he could have had in the village, the place where he'd grown up. He wondered where everyone was now. Surely they'd been training hard. There was no doubt in his mind that Naruto was in a league of his own at this point. Then there was Sakura, the one person who nearly kept him in the village. Laying on his back, he thought of her sweet smile, her fierce temper, and extraordinary compassion towards others. He wondered if he'd ever see either of them again. Would he ever find the light?

"Sasuke, Lord Orochimaru has a mission for you" Kabuto knocked on his door.

"Then he can tell me himself!" he grumbled back. That creep was so manipulative, he had to watch his every word around him.

"You'll like this one I'm sure" he crooned. "He wants you to steal a deadly poison from his old laboratory just outside the Hidden Leaf. He may even let you use it on Itachi when the time comes. And if not, it'll be good practice in espionage. After all, you wouldn't want anyone to see you there right?" Kabuto's voice was laced with insidious intent.

Sasuke sat up. "Go get it yourself."

"Now, now, Sasuke" a voice hissed. "Naruto is out of the village, training with Jiraiya so you can be sure you won't run into him. Also, I'm rather busy today with my experiments, so consider this as your training."

"Hn," Sasuke grunted. If Orochimaru wasn't a sannin with immense power, he never would have gone on such a ridiculous mission. That said, there was some truth in their words. It was an opportunity to practice getting by unseen and at least he wouldn't have to hurt anyone this time. No matter what Orochimaru said, he refused to kill anyone besides his brother. That just wasn't his style.

He left swiftly after he was sure Kabuto and Orochimaru were gone. The wind was strong, so masking his presence wouldn't be a problem. He moved swiftly, practicing the teleportation jutsu as he went. His movements weren't as smooth as he would have liked, but he figured it would come with practice.

As he passed the Valley of the End, he thought about Naruto and his old team. He'd never say it out loud, but he actually missed them. He missed all of the fun they had together as genin. He thought he could get by on that for a time, but in the end, he'd decided on revenge. It was the only thing keeping him alive right now. He couldn't afford to have bonds of friendship or love at this point. There was only his destiny and path as an avenger.

He stopped in the trees as he approached the outskirts of the village. Everything was just as he remembered. He was tempted to walk through Konoha one last time but stopped himself. He couldn't afford to be caught out here right now. He still wasn't strong enough. He needed to stay on mission.

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