Chapter 42

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As Sakura put down the letter from Ino, she stared off into the distance. Was it even possible? What would she tell Sasuke? They were in the middle of a mission after all. What would he say?

"Sakura are you okay?" her husband asked worriedly.

She could see the fear in his face. No, she couldn't tell him now. Not until she got some confirmation at least. "I'm fine" she smiled. "Just tired from a long day of training." She could tell he wasn't convinced, so she gave an exaggerated yawn and curled up with her blanket, turning away from him. Keep it together, Sakura, she thought desperately.

Sasuke knew something was wrong, but he didn't want to pressure her. She was usually the one who was vocal about her feelings, so he figured she'd tell him what was wrong in time. Still, her fainting spells and loss of chakra control troubled him. If only he had more knowledge of medical ninjutsu, he might be able to help her. She could heal herself well enough, but perhaps she needed outside help for some things? All he knew was that he had to help her in some way.

Standing and walking towards the shoreline, he continued his medical ninjutsu training. He thought about Sakura's advice, not too much and not too little. He took a deep breath; he was too worked up over his wife's condition. He needed to relax and stay calm, focused. He placed one palm over the other and summoned forth the healing chakra. It was difficult, but he got the sense that he was catching on a little. He'd train all night if he could get a better understanding of the techniques.

Sakura watched her husband from a distance as he trained harder than ever. She felt embarrassed for herself, being unable to summon a massive fireball like Sasuke, and then to top it all off she kept passing out. All she wanted was to get stronger, was that too much to ask for? She shut her eyes tightly, hoping for a better day tomorrow.


Sakura knew something was wrong before she opened her eyes. Her stomach twisted fiercely, and nausea overwhelmed her. She glanced over at Sasuke sleeping soundly next to her. She pulled her blanket down carefully and snuck into the woods nearby, so as not to wake him.

She leaned against a tree, sinking down to the ground. There was a sharp pull in her stomach and she retched. Gasping for breath, she checked to make sure the coast was clear. There was no doubt now. She had to get to a pharmacy in the next town as soon as possible. She leaned against the tree for support as she stood, weakly. She attempted to clean herself up before heading back to their campsite.

Sasuke sat, stoking the fire as he prepared some fish for breakfast.

As much as she wanted to join him, she felt a second wave coming with the scent of the food twisting her stomach again. No, not now! Not again, she pleaded, standing on the riverside.

"Sakura?" her husband glanced in her direction.

She couldn't take it anymore and knelt on the pebbled ground, with a hand over her mouth. Shannaro, pull yourself together, she thought.

"Sakura! What's wrong?!" he abandoned their meal and rushed to her side.

She shook her head, trying to ward off the nausea. She retched again despite her best efforts.

Sasuke rubbed her back then placed his palm against her forehead. "You don't feel feverish." He looked at her with concern. What happened to her? If only he could heal her and make this problem, go away.

The nausea subsided after a few minutes and she fell back, suddenly exhausted.

"Sakura," he moved swiftly behind her and caught her with his arm. Staring into her green eyes he knew she was hiding something. "Tell me what's going on," he demanded with deadly seriousness.

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