• 39 • trains, trips, and toronto

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'Why do I keep running from the truth?

All I ever think about is you'


The same day the students of Avonlea received their test scores, Gilbert received two letters with the same sentiment as Anne's letter from David Clark; he was accepted at both U of T and the Sorbonne. David Clark also invited him to visit campus, and Gilbert figured it might be in his best interest to do so.

Gilbert attending was also the only reason Anne would be allowed to go as well.

Marilla was too fearful to let Anne travel anywhere alone. She was already hesitant of train travel when Anne first arrived, and the Billy incident only made her more nervous.

Marilla would be lying to herself if she said a break from Anne wouldn't benefit her too. Her headaches and eyesight were only getting worse, and showing any sort of weakness around Anne only made Marilla feel guilty.

They now stood at the train station, anxiously awaiting a 16-hour ride from Charlottetown to Toronto.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Marilla searched Anne's face nervously, hoping everything was absolutely and magically together.

Anne's face was completely red with embarrassment. Gilbert, Bash, Mary, and Delly were standing a mere six feet away and definitely able to hear their conversation.

"Yes, I'm fine." Anne mumbled.

"And you're sure you're okay to travel so far?"


"And you'll stay with Gilbert until you get to campus?"


"And you'll write to me once you get there?"


"And you'll-"

"Marilla," Anne put her hands on her shoulders, "I'm fine."

Marilla took a deep breath. She wanted to believe Anne, but pushing aside anxieties was far too hard for her.

"Okay." Marilla gave her a sad smile, "Try to enjoy yourself."

"I will." Anne beamed back at her.

Anne didn't know how she felt about the whole visit.

Adventures were her favorite thing in the world, and this was bound to be a great one. Traveling the country to see the next stage of her life? It's a story asking to be a novel.

And then there was Gilbert.

If there was anyone she'd want to go on an adventure with, Anne would have to admit it would be Gilbert. She missed the tiny journeys they took before exams consumed their lives. She was determined to push aside her feelings and enjoy her friendship with Gilbert for the next weekend. They would really only see each other on the train since they were considering different programs and the dorms were completely separated by gender.

The only definite negative was leaving Marilla. Anne had never been separated from Marilla more than a few nights since she arrived to Avonlea. If Anne truly fell in love with U of T, she might want to go there more than Queens. That was a terrifying decision.

Gilbert was nothing but excited. Getting away from Avonlea and his responsibilities was relieving and hopefully this time away would allow him to think. He'd get a real sense of what U of T could offer him and have a better idea of what was best.

And then there was Anne.

Despite every single awkward moment, Gilbert loved spending time with her, and always would. He doubted she remembered anything incriminating from the night of exams and, even if she did, she seemed fine with it.

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