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hawkins, indiana

"papa!" number twelve cried, being dragged away by two men, "eleven!"

martin brenner walked into the hallway of the lab, holding hands with another small girl; eleven. she watched as her only friend was dragged away from her. she wanted to do something, she wanted to help. but she couldn't. brenner then walked back into the testing room, where he sat with eleven. sitting her down on the chair at the table.

"now eleven, do you understand why we listen?" he asked. she merely nodded, slowly looking up at him. "good."

twelve was thrown to the ground harshly. she rose to her feet as quick as she could, banging on the large metal door. she screamed out for help. being only five years old, she was powerful. twelve limped over to the corner of the small room, sliding down the wall, wrapping her arms around her small, frail, cold body.


eleven crept through the hallways of the lab, trying to find twelve. she had finally found a way to escape, and she was bringing twelve with her. after walking around for a few minutes, she had found twelve. she was sleeping peacefully on her small bed.

their bedrooms weren't really bedrooms. plain white walls, a plain bed, and no blanket. "twelve," eleven whispered, tapping the girl lightly. she stirred before squinting her eyes, looking over to eleven. "we... we can leave, i have a way to get out," she smiled softly. the younger girl nodded, and followed eleven out.

so far the plan was working, nobody had found them. well that's what they thought. as they arrived at the doors, four guards were stood there, guns pointed straight at the two. they jumped back in shock. the girls looked to each other and nodded.

they grabbed each other's hand, then closed their eyes. there was a few slams, simultaneously echoing each other. the four men were on the floor. dead. the pair hurried over them, and ran out as fast as they could away from the building.

they had been running for a while now, the weather was pouring down with rain, twelve was further in front, running wherever her legs took her. but when she stepped onto the road, a car slammed down on its brakes, just missing the small girl. eleven hid behind a wall, not sure on what to do.

a woman with brown hair and green eyes hurried out of the car, peering at the girl. "it's a child, mark!" she said to her husband. the woman crouched next to the girl, "are you okay sweetheart?" she asked soothingly. twelve shook her head, no.

"where are your parents?" 'mark' said as he stepped out of his car, walking over to his wife. "if you need help, me and louise can take you home and get you cleaned up." he smiled softly at her. twelve nodded, a small smiled playing at her lips. 'louise' offered twelve her hand, helping her stand up.

before twelve got into the car, she looked around for her friend, but she was no where in sight. twelve didn't know who these kind people were, but she was hoping it would be better than the lab. yes, some may call her stupid, but it was her only option, either this, or get hunted down by brenner.

"so sweetheart, what's your name?" louise asked, looking back at her.

"twelve..." she muttered quietly. worried of what they might think of her.

𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖, bill denbroughWhere stories live. Discover now