two squirrels and a dog

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Two squirrels and a dog

A day I was on walk

Tired or wanted peace

Were my bodily thoughts

Which Saddled me on a bench

A lie will it be

Walking is more peaceful

Than loneliness on a bench

Lively were my surrounding

For it was week of romance

Pity was that I was lone fox of the crowd

Carrying on my troublesome sack

Uncertain of what may come next

From my heavy sack

I sat in loneliness by forgetting

The joy of solitude of the wandering beautiful walk

My eyes were burnt from steam of romance

I looked down to save my watery eyes

There I saw two squirrels or was it three

I observed them to ease My hollow soul

They chased each other as in a game of tag

They jumped on grass and climbed on tree

Moved in unique ways to give other

The feel of hunt

Beastly they of thought each other when they were down at it togather

A beam of smile with an irking innocence

Came from somewhere.

Intrigued is the word that I won't mind saying

For some it was squabble of there kind

But it felt as I was one among them

Shocking As it may not sound

The world was vanished

The cold granite felt warm

Some reason that found out the

The smile that I buried

Awaking it to live again.

I looked at them

They as they were, not looked at me

It hurts me a bit but here in moment

One got caught, the hurt or should I say hunt was gone

The squeaking or shouting

God knows what, they understood my hurt

Understanding got me there squishy words

Why and how don't ask me yet.

Then something changed

For a moment,my distraction

Took it's fair slice

I saw my friend walking

Towards a girl not me.

Unusual honesty is not my thing

But still she was beauty

Shocked yet dogs have peculiar sense

To give an eye sparkle of it's cravings

As I know my friend and his nasty habits

He sensed it as loyal was he

He jumped in haste

For that was my thought

But it was squirrels he had interest in

The two or perhaps three ran.

It hurt me, sad ain't it I get hurt quickly

But a voice of reason robotically said

He wanted me more than squirrels

A German dog jumped on my weak chest

Neighbors’s dog or not I hugged him

For now he was mine and mine friend alone.

reva (still waiting to have bench mate)

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