A minute at hand

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Look at the sky as It Walked

I am no one for a while

I smiled for it was too long he forgot

The worldly trouble incite him

To be bonded by the invisible binds

That chain us down to our core

The day this uncertainty will be over

I will be free,  free of What will come

What will go or perhaps whatever will happen

This is what it seeks freedom from those immaterial uncertainties

That never never allow it to bloom

Pity pity pity such is the world where we can't be free

When everyone is allowed to be free And is always talking about being free.

Sadness never clouds me it's agony that breaks me

To be free yet not free to explore myself and explore you in peace

It's the world where we run run run until our feet is wounded and to refusing to move

I get no time to ponder about these because I am like you busy busy busy

Goals ambition and nearly every thing coilded down in one

Yet I break to bloom And wreck in these thoughts to explore

That's what I call freedom peace and nearly everything that is that's what I looked in the sky the stillness that I failed to achieve in world where I am a human yet not so human.

Pity on world and praise of the joy 😊

- reva ( praising this time at hand)

- reva ( praising this time at hand)

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