Chapter 13: Grief

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and her family belong to Voltage inc. And Be my princess 2 game.



I heard barking from the distance. I knocked on the wall the best I can in hope that they could hear where I was. I didn't have the strength to do anything else. I heard scratching on the door. The door slammed open. {Ivan} His eyes were wide open and made his way to me. Snieg and Urey ran to me and licked my face. He carried me up to a table and untied the binds first and then the cloth around my mouth. I had tears running down my eyes.

"Ivan!" said as loud as I could and hugged him as tight as I could. I felt him hug me back. "Are you alright?" he asked. He pulled away from me and looked at my face. "You look pale," he said. "I'm fine," I said. Ivan looked back at the door. "I need to get you out of here. Can you walk?" he said. I stood on my feet. I was wobbly.

Ivan saw how unstable I was and carried me in his arms. We quickly got me out of the cabin and walked through the woods. We saw a clearing and Mikhail was waiting for us with a snow mobile. He set me on Mikhail's snow mobile. Ivan turned to Mikhail. "Mikhail, I need yo to get her out of here. Drive north and you will reach the road where the cars are waiting. I will distract the captors away from you near the cliff," he said.

"Yes Your Highness," Mikhail said. He started the engines. "You can't!" I said. {Ivan was going to risk his life to save me!} Ivan walked to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. I kissed back. We parted and he looked at me. "I want you safe," he said. I had tears running down my face. He wiped my tears and gave me a quick hug. He went on his snow mobile and left. I wrapped my arms around Mikhail and we went off. I looked behind to see two snow mobiles following Ivan.

We made it to the cars. Mikhail helped me to the car and we drove to the fortress. I worried for Ivan. If anything happens to him, I didn't think I could go on. We got to the front of the fortress. Mikhail helped me out and made our way to the throne room. We were in the presence of the king, Ivan's father.

The king looked up at me. "Are you alright my dear," he said. "Yes your majesty,' I said as loud as I could. Then, a messenger came inside the room. "I have received news that Prince Ivan was killed," he said. I felt my body turn cold. "He drove off the cliff. We are searching for him right now," he said. Two of the three captors were caught. One was still on the loose. I was in shock. Mikhail saw how I looked. "Your Majesty, I will escort Lady Beverly to her room to rest," Mikhail said. "Yes, of course," the king said. Mikhail helped me to my room.

I stepped into my room and decided to wash up. I went into the bathroom to shower. After I took a shower, I decided to go to Ivan's room. I went inside and Urey and Snieg made their way towards me. They weren't excited as they usually were. They must have known what had happened. I looked around his room. I remembered the day he led me to his room after I was taken in. He gave me a roof on my head after the fire in my studio.

I walked out of his room and walked into my room. I went into my bag and found the box with the pendant in it. {I didn't have a chance to return it.}

One week later....

News broke out about Ivan's death. His body hasn't been found. A funeral was set for next week. I just stayed in my room. I barely ate anything. I notice that I haven't grieved for him at all.


I heard a knock on my door. The door opened to reveal Mikhail and a lady in waiting. "Everyone is worried about you Lady Beverly. We brought you some warm milk," he said. I turned to the lady in waiting. I took the milk and sipped it. It was warm. I felt a tear run down my face. I was grieving for Ivan.

"I think its best if I leave the fortress. I over welcomed my stay," I said. Mikhail had a worried face. "His Majesty wants you to stay as long as you need. He also thought that you would attend the funeral," he said. {I should attend the funeral.} I nodded with tears running down. They left my room so I could grieve.

It was dinnertime. I should eat something. I knew that Ivan would be worried about my health if I didn't eat. I went to the dining room to see Ivan's sisters. They saw me and gave me a hug. "You look pale," Olga said. "You should eat. We heard that you weren't eating," Tatiana said. I nodded my head. Anastasia led me to a seat next to her.

After dinner, I went to my room. I got the pendant out of the box. I decided that I would keep it with me at the funeral. I looked at my ring. {After we were finally together, he was gone.}

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