Chapter 8: His Return

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and her family belong to Voltage inc. And Be my princess 2 game


One week later...

Another week has passed since I sent the sweets. I received letters from Prince Ivan. He and his mens enjoyed the donuts. They were a moral raiser. I sent donuts everyday to them. Soon, he would be returning home. I realized that I really missed him a lot. I saw the messenger on my way to the library. "A letter for you Lady Beverly," he said with a smile. "Thank you," I said. I opened the letter. Prince Ivan had finally stopped the rebellion and was returning home.

I was very happy. I quickly made my way to Prince Ivan's room. I went inside and Urey and Snieg came to me. "Prince Ivan is coming home," I told them. They wagged their tales. {I guess they understood me,} I let them follow me out to find Mikhail. I found Mikhail in Prince Ivan's study and made him make preparations for Prince Ivan's return.

I waited outside of the fortress. It was snowing. I saw a car coming towards the fortress. The car stopped in front of the . I saw Prince Ivan getting out of the car. He walked towards me. "Welcome home," I said. "You didn't have to wait for me outside. You may catch cold," he said. "I wanted to see you return and welcome you home," I said. He nodded and walked past me. I followed him inside the fortress.

We walked into his room. Urey and Snieg quickly came to Prince Ivan. He pet their heads. "Looks like they were taken care of" he said. "They missed you a lot," I said. He decided to change his clothes. I saw him trying to take his jacket off. {I looks like he needs help.} I walked towards him and helped him take his jacket off. Then I helped him take his jacket off. He had a bandage around his shoulder and his chest.

"What happened," I said worried. He turned around and faced me. "The rebellion was rough. I got a bruised rib and a bruised shoulder," he said. I nodded my head. Knock....Knock...."Your Highness, your sisters are here to see you and dinner is ready," we heard. {His sisters?} I helped him with a grey shirt. He told me to go to dinner first while he changed and wash up.

I walked into the dining hall to see three women sitting at the table. {They must be his sisters.} They had similar facial features with Prince Ivan. One sister notice me walking in. She gave me a smile and stood up. Her sisters follow suit. They came towards me. "You must be Ivan's bride," one said. "Yes I am," I said nervously. I learned their names, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia. They currently living with their husbands in different countries.

Soon, Prince Ivan walked in. "Why are you three here?" he asked. "Oh Ivan, we wanted to see your bride of course," Olga said in a tease. We all sat at in our seats. We had venison with potatoes and vegetables. His sisters asked me many questions. They told me about him playing with his nesting dolls when he was young. I saw him blush when his sisters told me the story. I giggled a bit.

After dinner, we retired to our rooms. "We will to see you soon," Olga said to me. Then, they went to their rooms. "I am sorry about my sisters," I heard. I turned to Prince Ivan. "They weren't trouble at all," I said. He nodded his head and we went to our rooms.

I walked over to my nightstand and took the box out. I opened it. I looked at the pendant.

{Does he remember me? Does he have any feelings for me? I know for sure.....I have feelings for him.}

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