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Celebrity Crush
☆Charlie Gillespie Oneshot☆


• y/n •

i was watching julie and the phantoms for the 20th time in a row with my best friend. we've been obsessed since it first came out. i actually have a crush on luke, surprise, surprise. i've always wanted to meet charlie gillespie but i just never thought i'd get the chance to ever meet him.

as we finished the season 1 finale, i went over to the kitchen to get another snack. until my bs/f gasped and i almost jumped because they were always dramatic.

"omg! y/n! come here right now!"bs/f yelled and i sighed.

"okay mom,"i said and they threw a pillow at me making me fall and cackle on the floor.

"come over here,"bs/f said and then i gave them a look. i walked over to see what they were going crazy over. i almost choked. charlie was going to come to my country and stay for a few weeks.

"eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!"we both yelled and ran upstairs to see if we could bump into him soon, his flight would be scheduled to land for this afternoon at 4pm.


we soon learned that he was going to be throwing a party to welcome his fans that live here. bs/f and i were so excited. once we entered the location, we saw a lot of unfamiliar people.

as we walked around, we greeted some people and then i heard an angelic voice.

"hello everyone! i am very grateful for all of the people and fans that came all this way and put in time in their day to come here! so have fun and enjoy yourselves!"charlie exclaimed and everyone cheered.

i just had forgotten the world for a second as i looked up him and admired his beautiful brown eyes, messy hair and adorable smile.

"don't drool,"my bsf/n said i quickly looked away.

"i have no idea what you are talking about,"i said and they did a 'mhmm' at me. i blushed as i noticed that i had caught his attention and he slowly looked away.

"oooh, girl go get em',"they said and i rolled my eyes.

"believe me, he would never be into me like that,"i said to them.

"i don't know about that,"bsf/n said and walked away. i was completely confused until i turned around to see charlie staring at me with that beautiful smile of his.

"hi, c-charlie,"i stuttered slightly.

"hey, what's your name?"he asked.

"y/n,"i replied and he smiled again. he was killing me with that smile.

"what a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman,"he said and i blushed.

"thank you,"i said.

"would you like to come outside with me for a drink?"he asked and i smiled.

"i would love to,"i replied and we walked out to his balcony. he walked away for a second until he came back with two glasses of fruit punch.

"thanks,"i said, taking the cup.

"so, are you a big fan, like obsession close to posters?"he asked.

"oh, no, nothing like that, in fact i really liked you in julie and the phantoms, i'm really obsessed with that right now, along with my best friend as well,"i explained and i nodded, still smiling.

"well, i'm glad to know that you love my work,"he said and then it was like pure silence for a while until he decided to break it.

"so, can i know more about you?"he asked and i sighed.

"well, you're in a for quite classified information, i am quite dangerous,"i said and he laughed and then i told somethings i liked. we talked for a few more hours and then i told him i had to go and meet up with bsf/n.


"so? how did it go with your hubby?"bestie asked.

"hey! future hubby!"i corrected and we both laughed.

"but anyway, it went really well,"i said and they smiled. as i went to sit down, i put my hands in my jacket pocket and i felt a piece of paper. it was a note that said:

- hey, y/n, it's charlie gillespie from the party, i just wanted you to know that you are a really amazing girl and i'd love to hang out with you sometime. here is my number: ***-***-****

yours truly, charlie.

before i could say anything. bsf/n took the note from my hand and was screaming so loud that i had to cover their mouth.

"charlie gillespie, the charlie gillespie asked you out?!"they exclaimed and i smiled. i felt really lucky to have him, even though i did not have him yet.


thank you for reading!
i hope you enjoyed!

word count: 803!

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