Lisa Gets Even Fatter

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Lisa woke up on Sunday, in a pile of potatoes chip dust and soda cans. She rubbed her eyes, and found that her once trim arms were thick and chunky, each arm having a good 5 inches of fat on it. She tried to sit up from the couch, but her massive, bloated belly simply wouldn't allow it. She rolled off the bed, and onto the marble floor. Normally, that would hurt, but her flabby gut, floppy, soft breasts, that had broken free from her bra, and fat a**, which again, had shredded the shorts cushioned her fall. She tried to roll onto her belly. It took 4 tries to do so, and 4 again, to stand up. She walked into the bathroom, to take a shower, which she hadn't done since Friday. When she stood in front of the mirror, she was horrified. She looked like a pig. Her face looked 1000 times rounder than yesterday, she'd grown a triple chin, her breasts looked like 2 lumpy soccer balls, her belly, having broken through her tank top, was covered in stretch marks bulged out a good 6 inches. If she got any fatter, she was gonna have some trouble even walking. And she wasn't gonna let that happen. She wasn't gonna be like someone on "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"! As she was about to get in the shower, she got a strange craving for donuts. And to her surprise, there were 5 jumbo boxes in the bathroom vanities. She opened one box, and started munching away. Then, she'd get in the shower. But, when she'd finished her 3rd box, she came to the conclusion that Carla Summers had done this to her, it could be nobody else. But, Before she could get into the shower, she fell into a food coma again, burping and farting all the while.

She opened her eyes sleepily, to see her mom and dad staring in horror at her. "Honey, what happened to you!!?" demanded her mom, an endurance runner. "Yeah, You turned into a friggin pig," said her dad. "I don't know, it's been so sudden," she answered, not even trying to get up, knowing it would probably be too hard anyway. "You have to inherit your moms fitness empire, and my Italian restaurant empire, and you can't look like this, you have 5 weeks, if you're not bellow 140, we're letting you go," her mom answered. Her parents walked out of the bathroom. Not even helping there only daughter up. Suddenly, she got a craving for waffles, lots and lots of waffles. Again, they were right in front of her. She ate away, snorting like a pig as she did so. Her parents listened in disgust. "She's a disgrace to the family name!" muttered her father. Her mom nodded in agreement.    

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