The Fattening Begins

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The next day, Lisa woke up sleepily. She got out of bed, and opened her curtains. She walked over to her mini fridge near her bed, to drink one of her Slim Fast shakes. To her dismay, they'd all turned into Cokes and King Sized Twix's over night. She closed it, and frowned. She shrugged, and felt a weird craving for chocolate ice cream, lots and lots, and lots of it. She got dressed quickly, and dashed down the stairs, and down to the kitchen. Her mom and dad weren't up yet. "Oh yeah, they're in Paris on a business trip," she muttered. "Another Saturday all alone," she opened the freezer, and noticed all that was in there was 8 gallon containers of chocolate ice cream. Suddenly, some strange part of her took control, and she ate every single container of ice cream. She looked in horror at her reflection on the shiny refrigerator. Her face was covered in chocolate ice cream, and her once toned belly now was just barely held in by her tank top. Her shorts were strained as well. She fell into a sleep coma.

When she woke up, it was 2:00 in the after noon. "Should of worked out these extra calories hours ago," she muttered, when suddenly she got another weird craving for Twix and Coke. She ran back up the stairs, with more difficulty, because to her dismay again, he was toned belly bulged a good 3 inches out, pushing uncomfortably against her shorts. but, she made it up to her room, huffing and puffing. She opened up the mini fridge, and opened up a Coke. In about half and hour, she'd eaten 35 Twix's and 35 Cokes. She felt like she wanted to puke, her belly hurt so bad. and to her horror, she looked as if she were pregnant! And, her shorts were shredded. He face was getting rounder, and her chin was turning into a double chin. Her butt, once muscular, was now a jiggly blob of lard, and her thighs were turning into thunder thighs. "What has come over me today?" she asked herself, looking down, at her huge, floppy breasts, straining against her satin bra. She heard a knock at her door. She got up with great difficulty, and somehow managed to heave her bulk through her door. She was exhausted just from doing that. She tried to run down, but tripped over one, glutinous, rubbery thigh, and fell down the stairs. She stood up, and walked slowly, very slowly to the door. "Who is it?" asked Lisa. "It's Joshua, I was wondering if we could watch a movie or something together," he answered. "No, i'm ah...busy," she answered. He could hear the scare in her voice. He opened the door, which apparently wasn't locked. His eyes opened wide. "um, you've certainly gained..." he said, dashing off the door step, and taking off. "Wait! I'm not always like this!" She shouted desperately back, but the best thing that ever happened to her was long gone. She slammed the door, grabbed 4 giant bags of chips, oozed into the couch, and ate away her sorrow, and fell asleep, crying and bloated.        

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