16. ❤️Kirishima- SFW❤️

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This is just a little bit of haed cannons that I am sure that Kirishima would do!(this is x UMR!)

He is not a dominant top all the time but he is a top!


• he is extremely overprotective of you, when the two of you are hanging with Bakusquad not allowed to see it in your own chair, you have your personal thigh chair.

• he is a bit Yanadare but again not too much, like you won't kill somebody that looks at you wrong or everybody just to be with you, no ❤️ but he will punch somebody that looks at you the wrong way.


• he looks like a cinnamon roll but he could kill you.

• he is desperate for human touch.

• he is extremely touch starved, and he's also always exhausted with pretending to be always happy and smiling all the time even though Bakugo's insults hurt him...

• he is very self-conscious and also he's very anxious, almost as anxious Tamaki! This is actually a big head cannon that I found, and I think it is a really good perspective I guess... But everybody really do see it, he's definitely self-conscious, he's literally praising everybody but himself, every time somebody does something cool he says it's extremely manly. But when he does something cool he doesn't say it was manly everybody just tell him how cool he was and he was like just no no it was okay it wasn't that cool...

‼️IN BED‼️

• I find it a weird head cannon that he can harden his dick but we're going to do it... The first time the two of you have... He accidentally activated his cork and hardened his dick by accident, and it actually really hurt you, and he immediately stopped and deactivated his hardening and then he said on the end of the bed and you got to him and sat on his lap and you were like don't worry I just need to adjust it that's all...

• sometimes he actually loses his composure and he doesn't realize it, but his hand unconsciously goes straight to your neck and strangles you, yes it is a little kink of yours but when he does it like that it hurts sometimes, and when he gets back from his high usually looks at you and you look all fucked up and you have a big mark on your neck, he knows he hurt you but he doesn't know what to do... And he's trying not to hurt you he really does but sometimes he doesn't realize a lot of things that happen, and when he doesn't he unconsciously hurt you, but the strangling is not that bad it's just there's a big Mark afterwards.

• nicknames; the only thing he calls you in bed is pebble and you know it!!


• obviously his favorite nickname for you is pebble.

• but sometimes he also likes to call you; baby boy, Prince, beauty cool, beautiful, darling, my love... And more things that get your confidence to the top.

• the nicknames above are what he calls special nicknames, and he uses those when he sees you feel like you're not worth much, even though you know your fucking ass is worth the world!

I hope you like that I really did, comment which sfw you want next! And remember I always love y'all!! Stay safe ❣️

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