Chapter 9

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Maxi and I's birthday was tomorrow. We're very excited, we finally turn twelve! Almost all of our friends are twelve already, we're one of the youngest.

My Slytherins and I were all talking in the common room, oh yeah and Malfoy too. We had two hours until our next class.

"What are you doing for Christmas break?" Ivy asked Blaise.

"Probably go to Italy with my mum, obviously after attending the annual Yule Ball." Blaise said and gave me and Malfoy a glare at the end. The annual Yule Ball. My mom and Narcissa bloody love each other, they've been best friends since their time at Hogwarts. So, they had the brilliant idea to throw balls together every year, they've done this since Narcissa and Lucius moved back to Britain, so around the time Malfoy was born.

"Oh, come on Blaise, cheer up! You'll get to wear a suit, you love those." I told him. Blaise and I had gotten a lot closer recently, and he told me he loved dressing fancy. So do I, I only love balls for that reason.

"Well I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am." I teasingly said. Malfoy snorted and I sent him a dirty look.

"Will you two stop fighting already?!" Amelia said.

"I didn't do anything!" Malfoy and I said in unison. "Shut up." "You shut up, Malfoy."

Maximiliano groaned. "I'm trying to read a book over here! Go and argue somewhere else."

"I thought you said books were for nerds, Maximiliano."

"Well you see, Madelyn, I need to get better grades. Potions is really kicking my arse."

"I could tutor you." Malfoy said and I snorted. "What?", he quickly spat.

"Oh, nothing. You don't have the patience to tutor him."

"Are you implying you do, Gaunt?"

"Bloody hell! Not at all. I could never tutor my own brother!"

"Then why laugh?" "Because you are not at the top at the class on Potions." He snorted.

"How dare you?" "Stop whining you're just not. It's clearly between Hermione and I."

"Who?" He said. I rolled my eyes, he did know who I was talking about. "Granger, Malfoy."

"Oh! The mudblood." He coldly said. How dare he call her that? I know his parents are pure-blood supremacists, but I hoped he wasn't. And for some strange reason, I almost felt sorry for him.

"No. You are not going to call her that." I told him looking at him dead in the eye.

"Yeah that's not cool at all, Draco." Said Amelia. "Don't be a pure-blood supremacist. It's none sense, really!"

"But that's what she is. A mudblood, it's simple."

I was so mad, I simply just got up and left. If I hadn't, I probably would have slapped him. I hope somebody would talk some sense into him. I wrote a letter to my parents and handed it to Celeste. I watched her fly away, it must be nice to just forget about everything and fly.



The next morning, I was woken up by Celeste. She had a letter from my parents, well actually two. There was one for me and one for Maxi. I turn my letter around to open it and see our beautiful Gaunt stamp. I've loved it since I was very young. It's an emerald G. The letter was beautiful.

Dear Mads,

November 6, a day we'll always remember. Happy birthday! We love and miss you so much. You are a beautiful and bright young witch. Thank you for writing to us everyday like you promised, we will owl you a box of your favourite sweets. Your gift is waiting for you for when you get home on Christmas break. We are so proud of you little Slytherin, we hope you are happy and enjoying your time at Hogwarts. It will be the best time of your life, we can assure you. We will be traveling until your break, so don't write us these weeks. We'll miss your letters!

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