Chapter 6

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Today was my first day officially at Hogwarts. I was so excited I woke up at 7:30. I put on my Slytherin uniform. I did my morning routine and read a little bit. It was 8:15 now, so I went over to Maxi's dorm. Turns out he was already out of bed and he was grabbing his books.

"Hi, good morning Maxi."

"Oh, morning!"

"Did you already have breakfast?" I asked him.

"No actually, did you?"

"No, do you want to come with me? I'm heading there."

"Yeah sure."

We ate our breakfast in the Great Hall where we met all of our friends. The owls arrived and the professors handed out the schedules. At 9 o'clock the bell rang. It was time for our first class. We had double potions with the Gryffindors.

I arrived to the classroom that was in the dungeons. I was with Amelia and Maxi. Michael had told me how strict was professor Snape, so we were ten minutes early. To our surprise there were people already there.

"Good morning." I said. Maxi and Ivy greeted him too. 

"Good..morning" He said looking at us. He was very intimidating, and tall!

"Please take a seat...we start in five minutes."

Ivy and I spotted Amelia, so we went to seat with her. Maxi went to sit with Malfoy and Blaise Zabini.

I met Blaise last year in one of the many balls that Narcissa Malfoy and my mother organized. He's very funny and a good friend. He was also sorted into Slytherin, I was surprised actually. I don't know why I thought he would be a Ravenclaw. I was glad.

The class filled up very fast. "Please everyone. Stand up in front of the class. I will be assigning a new sitting arrangement." Said Professor Snape.

"Ugh, I hope we are close to each other." Said Amelia. 

"I don't know about that." Said Ivy. 

"As long as I'm not with my brother I'm fine. Mom has made us share everything, including the bathroom!" I told them and they laughed.

"Table number 3. Malfoy. Weasley. Gaunt." I heard Snape say. 

"I'm sorry professor Snape, which one?" Said Maxi.

"You, Mr. Gaunt." I sighed in relief. Then I heard the professor call the names for table number 4.

"Gaunt. Granger. Greengrass." 

"Are you kidding me?" Said Ivy. "It's okay, we're still going to have good grades." Said Amelia.

The three of us have been learning about potions since we were six years old. Therefore, if we would be able to do the projects together, we would have perfect grades. We had no idea who Granger was.

We walked over to the table. "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger." Said the girl with giant hair. "Madelyn Gaunt." I said while shaking her hand.

"I know who you are, I've read about your family." She said while giving me a dirty look. I laughed a little. 

"Nice to meet you." I sarcastically said. Ivy introduced herself and the lesson began.

Although I could tell our partner hated us, turns out she's smart. I was relieved.

"Now, can anybody tell me the ingredients for a Boil Cure potion?"

Granger quickly raised her hand and I rolled my eyes. Snape noticed it.

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