Chapter 7

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Classes were going great. My best subjects were DADA and Potions. I was very excited for quidditch season to start. I was walking towards Care for Magical creatures when I bumped into someone. It was William Brown.

"Oops sorry, my bad!" He said. He helped me up by taking my hand in his and while slithering an arm around my waist.

"No, it's okay, I was distracted." I hadn't even noticed how close we were when Matt came out of nowhere and cleared his throat.

"Oh hi!" I said while pulling away from William.

"Hello princess...William" He said coldly.

"Matthew hello, I was just going to my defense against the dark arts class."

"Alright, well then, goodbye William" said Matt as he dismissively waved his hand.

"Matt don't be rude."

"We have to go princess." He took my arm and dragged me towards a hallway.

"What the hell was that?" He said.

"What the hell was that?" I copied him coldly. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I continued.

"With me? You were a second away from snogging him!"

"What are you talking about! I freaking fell!"

"I don't believe you" He said.

"What don't you believe?" Michael said while entering the hallway.

"Ugh great!" I said. "Nice to see you too sis."

"It's not that." I told him.

"Then why are you so mad?"

"Oh, I'll tell you why" Said Matt. "I interrupted her snogging session"

"Snogging session?" Said Maxi appearing out of nowhere.

"OH MY GOD! What it this? Family meeting?" I said.

"SHUT UP!" Said Michael. "Snogging session?!" He continued.

"WHAT?" Maximiliano yelled.

"I WASN'T SNOGGING ANYBODY." I screamed. "We bumped into each other, I fell, he helped me up, Matt freaking came." I explained.

Matt scoffed. "Yeah right." He said.

"WAIT." Maxi shouted. He scared us all. "Who are we talking about?"

All three of us scoffed. "Our little sister 'bumped' into William Brown." Matt said.

"And they were close to snogging!" Said Michael.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Maxi said. "He is my friend you cannot snog him!" He whined.


"Why are you blushing then?" Asked Matt.

"BECAUSE I am mad at you three, I wasn't snogging! I'm eleven!" I said.

The bell rang and I had never been so happy to go to class.

"Saved by the bell." said my three brothers in unison.

"What is this! Did you rehearse?" I asked.

"No, you idiot."

"Shut up Michael." I said.

"We'll believe you this time, never go that close to a boy again" Matt said.

"Yeah." Added Maxi.

"Maximiliano you are literally my age." He scoffed. I can't stand him, I mean it's seven bloody minutes!

"You also cannot tell me what to do Matt, you're not dad." I added.

"No, but I promised him I'd take care of you."

"Whatever." I said. "Maximiliano take her to class and make sure she doesn't snog everyone on the way." Said Michael with a sly smirk.

I groaned and turned around. "We are so late." said Maxi.

"Yeah no crap Maximiliano! That was bloody ridiculous" I said. "I do not want to snog William Brown!"

Maxi scoffed. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I screamed on accident. He said nothing. "Yeah that's what I thought" I added.

It was now lunch time and I entered the Great Hall with Maxi. We made our way to the Slytherin table. Ivy and Amelia were staring at me. Oh no!

I sat down and Ivy began. "So, how was your snogging session?" I groaned loudly.

"Snogging session?!" Said Malfoy. "Who's the poor boy?"

"Oh my gosh I didn't snog anyone! And sod off Malfoy."

Everyone laughed. "I'm going to kill my siblings." I said while grabbing a green apple.

"Matt told Ivy, Ivy told me, and I just told you." Amelia said.

I explained to them what happened detail by detail. How I DIDN'T snog anyone and Matt is dramatic. Later in my dorm, I told my best friends the truth.

"I don't know, I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was honestly so embarrassing." I said while covering my face with my hands.

"Sounds like you fancy him." Said Ivy and I groaned.

"Maddie that's completely normal, you don't have to be ashamed."

"Oh my gosh Amelia what am I supposed to say to my brothers and dad? Hey I have actual FEELINGS for a boy that isn't you three, I'll probably kiss him! Who knows!?" I whined.

"MADELYN ARABELLA GAUNT GREENGRASS" Amelia screamed. "You do realise that one day you'll have a boyfriend and you WILL introduce him to your family, right?"

"Oh! You know her Amelia, she says 'feelings are for losers'."

"Ivy you're making me look evil, I did not say that!"

"You did Maddie."

"Ugh, whatever."

"Maddie you have to accept that you like him and he makes your heart flutter!" Said Amelia.

"OKAY! Let's not go that far! I think-I think-I mean...Well-I"

"SPIT IT OUT!" Yelled Ivy.


"YES!" Amelia and Ivy screamed at the same time and they threw themselves on top of me.

"OH MY GOD! You have to make a move!" Said Ivy.

"You're mental! Absolutely not!"

"Come on!" Said Amelia. "Something subtle!" She continued.

"I will not have a boyfriend on my first year! Maybe in third, I need to focus on school. I want to be prefect, and head girl! And quidditch captain." I said.

"Ugh, fine" Amelia said.

We kept talking all night, and little did I know someone heard my confession.

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