Characters and backstories

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Hi it's me again! So, I realized I didn't really explain the characters, their personalities, looks, etc. This is not a chapter, it's more a detailed description of the characters I own. Also I'm so sorry for not uploading for a week, school has been pretty stressful.

Madelyn Gaunt-

She is very clever and bright. She cares about her grades and is a hard worker.

Her family and friends are the absolute world to her. She loves them with all her heart and will always protect and defend them. Quidditch is her passion, she is always thinking and talking about it. Her favourite quidditch team are the Appleby Arrows. She is debating either to be a quidditch player or to work in a position in the Ministry when she grows up. Her favourite subjects are DADA, Potions and Astrology. She is very determined, proud, and a perfectionist. She needs even the smallest detail to be absolutely flawless, and she will not doubt to scream at you if you don't do it the way she told you. She is sweet and kind, but she doesn't have patience. Her quick temper gets in her way, but she's a happy girl. She is very confident and sarcastic. She loves to read and dance.

Madelyn is very short. At eleven years old she is 4"9. Her silky and slightly curly dark brown hair contrasts with her beautiful white skin. Her light brown eyes glow while talking about quidditch, and her long lashes almost touch her eyebrows. Her brows are brown and bushy, but altogether the perfect length. She has a defined nose and round lips. Her grandmother says she has the prettiest and most delicate hands.

Maximiliano Gaunt-

The oldest Gaunt twin much alike to his sister thinks that family is the most important thing. He is intelligent and eager to learn. Sometimes he feels like he is not enough compared to his older brothers, but that's not actually true. That is why the Sorting hat said he has a thirst to prove himself. He is witty, and likes messing around. He loves quidditch and he wants to play as a chaser along his sister in Slytherin. His favourite team are actually the Ballycastle Bats. He enjoys school and his favourite subject is Care for Magical Creatures. When he is older, he wants to be a mediwizard and help quidditch players with their injuries. Unlike his sister, he has a lot of patience, although he will get extremely mad if you mess with his family or friends. He is very proud of being a Gaunt and a Slytherin.

Maximiliano is average height, but he is taller than his twin. He is 5"0 and he has dark brown hair. His green eyes contrasted perfectly with his pale skin, he always wondered why Mads doesn't have green eyes like him. He is very handsome and a true gentleman.

Michael Gaunt-

Michael or "Mikey" as his mother calls him, is very alike to his sister even though he will deny it. He is bright and witty. That's why they fight so much. He will defend his family and friends, he is very loyal. Michael also has a very dark sense of humor and he's sarcastic. He has a very quick-temper, but he knows when to calm down. He doesn't understand why pure-bloods despise muggle-borns and half-bloods, like all his siblings, he thought it was disgusting. He may seem quiet, but with his friends he is extroverted. He is a total prankster, in fact, since he was in first year, he has feud with the Weasley twins to see who's better. His favourite subject is DADA and Transfigurations. He wants to be a quidditch player when he grows up, his favourite team are also the Montrose Magpies.

Michael is a very good-looking boy. He has very nice features like all his family members. He is 5"6, which was nice for a fourteen-year-old. He has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

Matthew Gaunt-

The oldest of the Gaunt siblings. He is very responsible and disciplined. Very clever and intelligent. As most pure-bloods he is a fine gentleman. They were taught how to treat woman from a very young age. He always keeps his siblings on track. He has a very good sense of humor and he is very extroverted. His favourite subject is DADA and Herbology. He is the heir for the position of only Salazar's descendants in the Ministry, although he wants to be a quidditch player. He figures he can do both. Like Madelyn, his favourite team are the Appleby Arrows. He likes them since he was a little kid. He is going into his sixth year, and he is in the Slytherin quidditch team.

He is, according to a lot of girls at Hogwarts, the most handsome sixth year. He unlike all of his siblings has his mother's black hair. He has green eyes and a perfect nose. He is very strong and tall. He is 6"0. Madelyn looks like a dwarf next to him, he's always made fun of her for being short.

Charlotte Gaunt-

Charlotte Greengrass. She married Valentino Gaunt and had four kids. She is sweet and kind. Her childhood best friend is Narcissa Malfoy. She didn't work, instead she threw charity galas and balls alongside her best friend. She is very supportive with her children, and she loves having a big family. She was a mediwizard, but when she married Valentino she chose to resign.

She is 5"6 and she has black hair and blue eyes. Most of the Greengrass family is blonde, however her great-grandmother had dark hair. She has a defined nose, she is extremely intelligent and cunning.

Valentino Gaunt-

He grew up on a very toxic household. They were all pure-blood supremacists, and he was tortured for having friends other than pure-bloods. His family disowned him, that's why he has no idea where they are. He was very close to the Marauders, in fact, when he was disowned, he stayed with James for a while. His childhood best friend is Arthur Weasley, one of the few people not to call him a blood-traitor. Most of the people in Hogwarts thought he was mean for being a Slytherin, it only got worse when the Dark Lord first appeared. The house of Gaunt is related to the Riddle family. The funny thing is they were also related to the Potter family. Since he grew up in such an ugly environment, he was determined to make his kid's have an amazing life.

He is a tall man with dark brown hair and green eyes. He is intimidating, but he is not evil. His children love him and admire him. He came from being disowned to being rich and he achieved a fulfilling life.

Ivy Greengrass-

Ivy is a pretty and short witch. She, like most Greengrass women, has beautiful blonde hair, blue eyes, and very pale skin. She is a very good student and friend. She protects everyone around her, she's very loyal. Ivy didn't really like quidditch, she was by far more interested on working in Hogwarts as the Potions Mistress. That was of course her favourite subject. Ivy has a brilliant sense of humor, she cracked jokes at the worst times though.

P.S. Daphne and Ivy are cousins on this book, and yes, they are the same age.

Amelia Avery-

Amelia is a gorgeous witch. She has beautiful dark skin and silky black hair. She has kind brown eyes and she is pure-blood. She is a very kind person and she's passionate about potions and charms. Amelia's witty and bubbly, she has an amazing personality, although she is quiet, she will have the best time with her friends.

William Brown-

A good-looking half-blood in the same year as the twins. He loves books and he is witty. He was sorted in Ravenclaw and his step sister is Lavender Brown. His sister is actually pure-blood. So is his dad, but he had a baby with a muggle-born. William is about five months older than Lavender. It was a huge scandal, and Will hates drama. He is a pacific person who enjoys jokes and pranks. He is a hard worker and he cares about his grades. William also has a brother that is best friends with Michael.

William is a tall boy. He has black hair and tan skin, he also wore black glasses.

Newt Jones-                  

Newt is a muggle-born boy in first year. He was sorted in Hufflepuff. He's a kind and patient person. He has good manners and he's interested in magical creatures. He is very loyal to his friends and he has a dry sense of humor. He's a little shy at first, but then he turns into a social butterfly.

Newt has beautiful dark skin and brown eyes. He has dark hair and he'saverage height.

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