Chapter 1

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My name is Madelyn Arabella Gaunt Greengrass. I'm an 11-year-old witch. My parents are Valentino and Charlotte Gaunt.

I have three older brothers...I know, it's sounds exhausting, and honestly it is.

The oldest is Matthew, he is sixteen years old. He is so protective of me since the day I was born, mom told me he had wanted a sister for the longest time.

The second is Michael, he is fourteen years old, he and I fight all the time.

I actually have a twin brother, I know! Mental right?! Well, his name is Maximiliano and he is seven minutes older than me, you can imagine how much pride he takes in those seven minutes. He is always telling me to share sweets with him because he is the "oldest".

I love them all, but having three brothers is pretty insane.

This year Maxi and I will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We are very excited to go, since Matthew and Michael have told us all about it.

Our mother and father went there too, of course, they were both Slytherins. My mother was actually part of the Greengrass family, they are a perfect linage of pure bloods. But since she married dad, she obviously became a Gaunt.

The House of Gaunt has many powerful ancestors. Most importantly, we are descendants of Salazar Slytherin. We're extremely wealthy and powerful, however we remain humble. Of course we are all pure bloods, but our family isn't racist unlike Salazar. I've learned that he believed in pure blood supremacy, he valued it a lot. Maybe you already guessed, but there hasn't been a single person that wasn't sorted into Slytherin.

My older brothers are of course part of the "snake pit". Well I should explain. Slytherins created a nickname for the house, since the animal that represents Slytherin is a snake, they call themselves the snake pit.

Maxi and I were very excited since we were all going to Diagon Alley tomorrow.

"Want to go outside and play quidditch?" Michael said as he walked towards Maxi, Matt and I.

"Yes!", Maxi and I shouted at the same time.

"Woah calm down.", Matt said. "We have to get up to buy our school supplies tomorrow and it's nearly twelve o'clock."

"No! Please Matt, I'm begging you!"

"Maxi you know how much you like sleeping, also it takes forever to get the princess out of bed!" Matt said while looking at me with a smirk. I scoffed. "You are so wrong, and I'll show you." I grabbed my broom which was near me and went outside. Soon came my three brothers with their brooms in their hands.

Matt and dad called me 'princess' since I was the youngest and the only girl. They like to spoil me a lot, I think it's sweet. Many of my brother's friends thought I was going to be a brat since I'm the only girl, but they were so wrong.

"Okay let's only practice for an hour, and of course the princess is in my team." Matt said while putting his hand on my back. Him and I are very close, we always talk and I often sleep in his room because of our late-night talks. He always tells me about his girl problems, quidditch, horrible teachers and the fun pranks he and his friends pull on them. Matt is very sweet and gentle with me, but will tackle me from time to time.

"Not fair at all!" Exclaimed Maxi. "You are going to win then", he scoffed.

"No way, we are better than them by far", said Michael while eyeing us.

"The three of you know I'm the best quidditch player of this family", I said with a smirk on my face. "Alright, alright. Less talk, more quidditch!", Matthew said and we began practicing.

We ended up practicing for two hours, so we all want to bed pretty late, almost at three in the morning. We won of course. I mean, not to brag but I'm brilliant at quidditch. Don't get me wrong, my brothers are too, but it came natural to me.

The next day:

I woke up with a loud bang and water on my face. I screamed and when I opened my eyes, I saw Michael. Of course it's him, I thought to myself.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shouted in Michael's face.

"I was calling your name calmly for about ten minutes and I got tired", said Michael with a sly smirk.

"You're mental", I said while looking at him dead in the eye.

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