The secret behind strength

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Ash:"Blast burn"

As Charizard roared and punched the ground and fire erupt from the ground more like lava and slowly covered the whole battlefield as it hit hoopa a huge cloud of smoke erupt but the audience was not affected as their was a invisible barrier to protect the audience. but the heat from the attack made many to faint as they were not able to handle it.

Slowly the smoke cleared revealing a hoopa with swirl in eyes.

Referee: hoopa is unable to battle, the challenger is out of pokemon which means the winner and still the kanto champion


Ash: now you see the difference between you and me.and for your kind information if you think my elite four was week then you are wrong cause I told them that if any one challenges the elite four then use less power cause sometime in future the world have to know the champion. he said at a calm yet mocking tone

Everyone was shocked hearing what he said,he made his elite four to lose a battle so that he can reveal himself.

Ash:well I have to make a announcemen-

Before Ash could finish calem started laughing lake a mad man then he suddenly he threw 4 pokeball revealing

Calem::*laughing*,*throws 4 pokeball*
Nidoking,magmar, tyranitar,Persian, use hyper beam on him. as his pokemon followed the order and shot a hyper beam.

Everyone was shocked to see the hyper beam making his way towards Ash who was standing their staring at the hyper beam, Ash's friends were shouting telling him to get out of their, but he didn't move,and then it made contact smoke covered him, silence.

Delia broke down crying,she have just seen his son and it felt like next second he was attacked,all Ash's friends also have tears in their eyes and have the same thought as delia. while calem was smirking like crazy.

Suddenly someone in the stand shouted,"wait look"immediately all the one stared at the smoke as it starts to clear revealing a unharmed Ash with his one hand in front of him.calem was paled.

Then Ash snapped his fingers and Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and used thunder which felt more powerful than thunderous's attack.the thunder was so powerful that it made all four pokemon to faint.

This yet again made the audience to think how much powerful is he.then Ash said

Ash: I told you to stop your madness, but anyway the next announcement will make your mouth shut.he said smirking and calmly

This made everyone confused as the referee handed a mic to Ash.

Ash:*clears throat*Hello ladies and gentlemen as you all may know,and for those who don't know me I am Ash Ketchum the champion of kanto and alola,now I would like to make a announcement more like a order.this is for mr calem lysandre xavier.he said the last part smirking.

At this everyone jaw hit the ground not even the champions or even lance the leader of G-men knew about it that calem is the son of lysandre.

Lance:*shocked*now I understand what he meant by like father like son

Everyone else on the room nodded in agreement

Calem was the one who was most shocked,he knew no one knows that lysandre was his father,then how did he know?

Ash: shocking isn't it but anyways.*serious* as the champion of kanto I therefore sentence calem to death in the case of murder, pokemon abuse, trying to murder a champion and most importantly*took a deep breath*Women's harrasment.

This shocked everyone as they all looked at calem with eyes Full of disgust.

Calem tried running but was stoped by the police officer who arrested him and took him for his punishment

There was silence in the stadium everyone was processing what happened now but the silence was broken by mr goodshow

Mr goodshow: now as you all may know that Ash was made the champion secretly and didn't have the awarding ceremony so why not now we have the awarding ceremony?

Everyone cheered as Ash who had no idea about it walked to the main stage were mr goodshow was waiting for him with a trophy which he forgot to give to him when he became the champion (😅)

After handing Ash the champion trophy and told him to give a speech when a boy from the crowd rises his hand which Ash noticed and called him to stage and asked him quietly

Ash: so what is your name champ?.he asked politely

Boy: m-my name is alex.he replied nervously

Ash:*smiles*don't need to be nervous Alex so tell me why did you rise your hands?.he again asked politely

Alex:*relaxed*I wanted to know how to become a powerful trainer

Ash*shocked*and why did you ask me that?

Alex: cause your the champion of two regions and also very strong

Ash: so tell me why do you wanna be a powerful trainer?

Alex:*sad*cause everyone say I can't be a good trainer and I will do nothing In my life they say I am a failure and I want to prove them wrong. he said sad yet determined

Ash see's the determination in his eyes and smiles and said

Ash:"I will not tell".he said which made him sad."but".he looked at Ash curiously."I will show you".he said which made him confused.

Ash saw his confused face and smiled he took him towards the mic everyone was confused thinking that who is this boy.

Ash:may I have your attention please,now this boy here came and asked me how to become stronger as many people said that he is a failure, and now to answer his question which many people have the same thought I will tell you how,but in a different way.

Ash said which made everyone curious and confused.

Ash then took 2 pokeball and threw it in the Air revealing a lucario, and the second pokemon guess what a gardevoir and again guess what a shiny one with blue stripes rather than green which again shocked everyone especially diantha to see such a beautiful shiny gardevoir.

Ash then looked at them and nodded as gardevoir teleported a guitar,a drum and mic, everyone was shocked as they didn't know he could sing especially Ash's friends were shocked but remained calm.

As Ash took the guitar, lucario took the drum and gardevoir took another mic as they started to play

(Please listen to the song fully)

After Ash finished the song everybody's jaw literally hit the ground, especially Ash's friends thay didn't know Ash can sing but again he can sing This awesome nobody even imagined that.

After singing and saying that they must have understood the message in the song Ash left towards his locker room.

And that's it for this chapter guys hope you enjoyed make sure to vote and comment your suggestions.(spoiler alert)in next chapter Ash will reunite with his friends and some special friends.see you in the next chapter bye.(word count:1200)

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