mt silver

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Time skip (one week later)

It's been a week and today is the day Ash will leave for his training currently he is standing with Pikachu and riolu in front of professor oak's lab as the door open

Prof oak: ah ash I suppose you came hear to collect your pokemon

Ash: yes professor I came to collect  my pokemon and to say goodbye to you

Prof oak: I see come in my invention is completed*takes a blue colour pokedex*this is nanodex it has a feature which allow you to carry unlimited pokemon and also many other useful features like video call, inter-regional map etc(you know that stuff)

Ash: thank you very much professor, I will keep it safe

Prof oak: so where are you planning to train and stay

Ash: professor please keep it a secret between you and me and if my mom ask tell her that I am going to travel different regions

Prof oak:ok but what are you planning

Ash: professor I am going to train on ther top of 'mt silver'

Prof oak:*shocked*.......ok but stay safe.

Ash:I will professor

Prof oak:ok then hear you go*gives him nanodex*

Ash: thanks again

As Ash Pikachu and riolu went to rench to collect all his pokemon

Ash: ok guys today is the day we will start to train hard

*All the pokemon roared*

Ash went to the video phone(that's what it's called I guess)and call to charicific valley as Liza picked up the call

Ash:hey liza how is it going

Liza:hey ash,it's going good your Charizard has defeated all my Charizard

Ash:good to hear so can you send Charizard to me

Liza:ya sure Ash as he have nothing else to learn here*transfers Charizard to Ash*

Ash:*received* thanks liza see you

As Ash gets Charizard he calls officer jenny and gets squirtel back too

After he calls everyone back to pokeball except Charizard ,Pikachu and riolu

Ash climbs Charizard with Pikachu and riolu

Ash: Charizard toward mt silver

As Charizard fly's towards my silver

After reaching there Ash returns Charizard and goes to find a place to stay while searching he found a large enough cave where he can stay he releases all his pokemon and said

Ash:the training starts.


Delia was walking to professor oak's lab after reaching she knocked on the door as it open

Prof oak:ah Delia how may I help you

Delia: professor I came say Ash last goodbye although I said it at home

Prof oak: I am sorry Delia but he already left to his journey

Delia*became sad*so can you tell me where is going to train

Prof oak:*nervous*he said he will travel different regions to become stronger

Delia:*still sad* i-i see

Prof oak:don't be sad I am sure he will make you proud

Delia:*smile* I know professor he will make me proud.

Meanwhile (again 😅)

Ash thought one thing in mind

Ash:*thinking*I will make you proud mom.

And cut. hey guys I know I didn't upload l yesterday so here is the chapter and I am uploading one more chapter today so stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment.see you.(word count:545)

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