The unknown champion

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Time skip (one days later)

Tomorrow is the day of the champion match, tomorrow the world will see the face of the unknown champion.

Right now we see the pokemon center,and all the hotel near the kanto main stadium are busy because the number of people came to watch the the match.

As we see all the Ash's friends are going to their VIP hotel as their are many important persons among them.

On the other side we see the champions with the kalos queen Aria and her mentor Palermo are going to the kanto champion suite, while the elite four went to their special elite hotel.

With the champions

Steven:so what do you think how much strong is the champion

Lance: don't know but he defeated my whole team with is Charizard and completed the whole elite battle in less than 25 minutes, defeating everyone with one pokemon each elite.

Alder:hm interesting he took your whole team with his Charizard so do you think his Charizard is stronger than Leon's Charizard?

Lance: I don't know about that but he is very strong trainer.

Aria: so mr lance can you tell us how he looked

Lance:sure,let's see,he wore a mask a hood he has a reddish brown eyes which was almost emotionless a black under shirt red jacket black pants and had some kind of watch on his wrist,and he felt familiar.

Cynthia:he feels tough and mysterious like tobias

Diantha:yeah I wonder what he look like without the hood and mask and why is he emotionless

Lance:you know throughout the whole elite four match he didn't gave a single command to his pokemon it's like they know what to do.


Lance:yeah he just started at his opponents pokemon.

Diantha:now this gonna be more interesting

Steven:yeah I wonder if he have mega evolution

Alder:I wonder what pokemon he will use against his legendary

Aria:let's first go to champion suite and arrange our stuff

Lance: yeah you are right

As they went to champion suite

Somewhere else

Sabrina was waiting for some one as suddenly majestic pedgeot came and landed near her and a man with hood and mask came down from it.she immediately tackled him into a hug

Sabrina:red I missed you so much

Ash/red: hey "sabri" I missed you too

Sabrina blushed at the nickname.

Ash: you look more cuter than the last time I saw you(o yeah I forgot to mention that Ash is no more dense since gardevoir thought him everything and I mean the this he should not have known like you know bed stuff 😐)

Sabrina blushed hardly

Sabrina:aw thank you ashy

Ash smiled at the nickname

Ash:now shall we go and fresh up and rest cause tomorrow is a big day


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