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No one's pov

Riolu: daddy

Ash: what did you just speak?


Ash: I am not your daddy

Riolu: why are you saying that daddy


Pikachu: pika?

Ash: what you can't hear him but he is just speaking

Pikachu:(nodded side to side saying no)

Ash: then I am the only one to hear him speak?

Riolu: what are you talking about daddy?

Ash:1.stop calling me daddy 2. I am talking about why am I the only one to hear you

Riolu:ok master

Ash: hey now where did that come from

Riolu:I don't know I just feel like calling you that and I will not call you anything else

Ash:(sigh) ok call me whatever you want.

Riolu:and I am able to speak to you cause you have a strong aura and I am a aura pokemon too

Ash: mm I remember sir Aaron's lucario saying that I have same aura as him or more powerful.any way my name is Ash and this is my buddy Pikachu.

Pikachu: pika

Riolu:nice to meet you Pikachu and master Ash

Ash: now let's go to sleep we will talk tomorrow morning.

Riolu: master can I sleep with you

Ash: sure riolu you don't need to ask we are a family (smile).


As they went to and wake up at 6:15 for the usual walk Ash fresh up and came downstairs with Pikachu and riolu to see his mom cooking

Ash: morning mom

Delia: morning Ash (notice riolu) so who is this cute guy *giggle*

Ash:oh this is riolu mom it hatched from the egg yesterday night,and riolu this is my mom


Delia:nice to meet you riolu (smile)

Ash: mom I am going out for usual walk

Delia: ok be careful

Ash:I will mom, now Pikachu riolu come on


Riolu: coming master

Time skip

After breakfast Ash with Pikachu and riolu are heading to professor oak's lab to see his pokemon and introduce them to riolu and also train

After reaching to the lab he knocked on the door after a moment the door open revealing the professor.

Prof oak:oh good morning Ash (see's riolu) I see the egg hatched

Ash: yes professor this is riolu, riolu this is professor oak

Prof oak:nice to meet you riolu

After introduction he went to the ranch and called bulbasaur.

Ash:hey bulbasaur can you call everyone

He nodded and shot a solarbeam into the sky, after sometime all the pokemon gathered

Ash: hello guys welcome our new family member Riolu

Seeing some many pokemon riolu became nervous


Ash: no need to be afraid of them riolu they also my friend's (smile)

Riolu:(nodded and smiled back)

After introduction the started their normal training as Ash trained Pikachu and riolu

time skip (one hour later)

Ash: let's take a 5 minutes break guys

They all nodded as Ash sat down Pikachu and riolu went to play.

He started thinking about his journey from kanto to kalos meating new friends, pokemon,his encounter with legendary's defeating evil team and the danger he and his friends faced and the sacrifice of many pokemon to save his life from thinking about all this he realised something, something he never thought before that it's not enough!

"He is still not strong enough"

To protect his friends, his family and, pokemon.

Then he took one of the most important decisions that he is going to train hard very hard pushing his limits.

He suddenly stood and called every pokemon and said

Ash: that's it for today's training you have one week rest cause after we are gonna push our limit and become stronger than ever.

All the pokemon roared loudly then left to rest as Ash Pikachu and riolu went to professor oak

Ash:hey professor I have something to talk to you

Prof oak: what do you want to talk Ash

Ash: I was thinking that can I carry all my pokemon

Prof oak: why do you want all the pokemon Ash?

Ash:I thought of train very hard to push my limit and become stronger

Prof oak:mmm actually I was working on an invitation which allow you to carry unlimited pokemon but it will take a week to fully complete it

Ash:it's ok I am staying for one week actually so can have your time now I am going home

Prof oak:ok Ash see you

After Ash reached his home with Pikachu and riolu saw his mom sitting on the couch.

Ash: hey mom

Delia:hey ash you came early today

Ash: yes mom I want to talk to you about something

Delia: so what do you want to talk about

Ash: *serious*mom I thought of train very hard to push my limit and become stronger than ever so I can protect everyone so I'll be gone for I don't know how much time it may take years but I will become stronger.

Delia:.....I have no problem Ash but promise me that you will take care of yourself

Ash*smiles*thank you mom and yes I will take care

Delia: so when will you going?

Ash: in one week professor oak is creating a new invitation which allow me to carry unlimited pokemon and it will be ready in one week .

Delia: ok so enjoy your time here.

After eating dinner Ash with Pikachu and riolu went to sleep and thought

"The real journey starts"

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