Chapter 13: What Vault?

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"Oh, looks like we found our survivors mate" said Mathew

"Yeah, looks like it, but they don't look so good" said Alex as he saw them. There were three of them, a fourteen year old girl,an old man ofabout fifty and a guy in his thirties.This last guy was the one to have screamed to them that they were humans.

"Man, he's hurt really bad" said Rebecca after seeing that man. He was bleeding. There was some kind of wooden plank in his chest.

"Rebecca can you help him?" asked Jon
"I can try but I would need you to pull that piece of wood out first."

"I'm on it... and Jon check that the door downstairs is still okay" said Alex while going to that man. The older man wasn't scared, he still had his head up and he looked at Alex carefully.

Alex ignoring that went to that guy.
"What's your name good man?" asked Mathew

"Jasson" said Jasson crying

"Okay,Jasson, this is gonna... sting a little mate" said Mathew as Alex set his hand on that wooden piece.
"One, two..." and just at two Alex pulled the piece from his body.

Mathew had Jasson's face covered as to not let the scream out. Rebecca did some spell on the wound, it didn't heal him completely but it sought to have stopped the bleeding. Jon came running. He told them that the zombies were halfway through breaking the barrier. But this wasn't the worst of their problems, it looked like Jasson was unconcscious from the pain.

"Shit. Okay... Rebecca take the kid.Fast. Jon, you take the old man. Mathew give me a hand to pick him up." Said Alex

Rebecca rushed through the back door. As soon as she went out, she told Amy to get her to safety. Rebecca came back. Just as she did, those... monsters, they were through the door.
"Protectoh!" screamed Rebecca as there was some invisible barrier in front of them. The zombies weren't able to come through it. Jon took the old man from the back. Mathew and Alex were still bringing Jasson down the stairs. Mathew was shooting simultaneously to try and help Rebecca. It did help at first but there were just too many of them. But to there luck, about six of Matt's recruits came just in time. Five of them started shooting at them(although they still weren't enough) while the sixth one gave support to Rebecca. She was very weak right then, her nose was bleeding and she couldn't walk properly. They all rushed to the boat. Alex looked back and saw that there were zombies coming from all sides around him. He just wished that all of the humans could make it out of there alive. They did as a matter of fact, they all reached the boat just in time.

Alex looked at the crew. The ones who came to help were hurt, some of the zombies had almost got them but luckily none of them were infected. Mathew's arm got a little cut while getting away from there. Jasson was lying there unconscious and Rebecca's nose was bleeding. Even those who were on the boat were in shock. They weren't warriors or soldiers. They were just survivors who were brave enough to help find more like them. The little teen, her face looked like she didn't know what to feel. Scared of course, she's just a kid. But apart from that, a sense of happiness to have made it out of there alive. The on ly person who didn't seem affected was that old man.

"What's your name, sir?" asked Alex


"Sir are you okay? I mean I know it would have been a shock, but you don't seem scared."

"Oh, you see I am not scared. I have been surviving since day two of this... outbreak or whatever you guys are calling it. I was alone after I lost my crew and then I found these guys."

"Huh, sorry mate, but what do you mean... crew?" asked Mathew

"I used to be in the army you know, I mean I still am but they probably don't know about me. Not after an incident."

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