Chapter 15

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The tension was a little less as compared to what the others thought at the base. Alex, Mathew, John and Matt were seemingly on better terms as they all were walking together along with Rebecca and Amy but with a rather disapproving face. This was the case for just the four of them of course. Rebecca didn't really show any expression at all but at the same point Amy was kinda enjoying herself. She had a big smile on her face. Well the thing was that she actually enjoyed seeing other peoplequarrel. Matt lead the way to... wherever the place was and the others followed him. Amy, when asked, told everyone that Rebecca was actually mad at them and told them to finish the debate once for all. So Matt was taking them to a... room to fight which explained why Amy was so excited. They all thought the reason to be legit.

15 minutes earlier

"Well the vault is actually... kind of a lab and we were testing a project but ... an incident happened there two days back and well it you can say blocked the entrance. If you want I can take you there – BUT JUST THE FIVE OF YOU. Me, Rebecca, Alex, Mathew, John and Amy" said Matt

"Looks like we got ourselves a deal" said John seeing the approving look on the faces of the others.

"Well there would a problem with the others wouldn't it be mate?" said Mathew

"What do you mean Mathew" asked Rebecca

"I mean that we have been... to be polite let's say we have been a little off with each other haven't we? Now suddenly we move along like childhood buddies. Yeah that won't be suspicious at all, would it?"

"Mathew has got a point. We have to come up with something, else they are gonna know that something is going on."

"What if we act like we are still fighting? We act like that, we quarrel on our way and Amy's smile will do the rest" said Matt

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Amy

"Seriously? You are enjoying our fight right now, damn you can't get rid of that smil even now. And did you really forget what happened day before yesterday?"

"Why? What... happened day before yesterday?" asked Alex

What happened was where were two guys who were in line for lunch at the cafeteria (They called it cafeteria too cause they said that it gave them a... normal kind of feeling.) One of them by mistake pushed the one in the front and his plate fell down along with the food. The one who had pushed him apologized but laughed at him too. This angered him and he pushed the first one back. The first one got up and kicked him. The second one was thrown to the ground . He picked up the plate and threw it at the first person. Matt, Amy and many were there. Matt arrived to stop them and so did the others seeing him. Except Amy who was just eating a piece of loaf and smiling while they tried to stop the fight.

"Well, in my defense............ shit I got nothing. So I guess I'll laugh alright.Haha" said Amy

"Well it's set then."

"And please you all try to be a little good actors?" said Rebecca


They did as they planned. They walked through the corrider. On the faces of John, Matt and Alex anger could be seen easily. They gave cold look to each other. Mathew was trying to control his laughter with making his fake serious face. He actually stopped laughing when Rebecca hit him on his head. She told him that they were about to reach the visible area (The area towards another corridor which lead to the basement. There were about seven men there. They knew what was happening obviously. The news travels in this place as fast asforest fire.)Rebecca looked like she was the mom who kept her kids in line and well Amy... she just had a weird smirky smile on her face. Mathew picked up a metal rod which was lying there. This made it a little more convincing to them. One of them ran to tell the others that there was going to be a fight. Two more tried to follow them but Rebecca gave them a look which scared them off.They all went to the basement. Matt told them that that area was actually off limits to everyone except him and a few people. They went through the corridor of the basement (It had no lights so they had to use torches and well... light hands when Rebecca glowed her hands). At the end of the corridor there was an old wooden door. Or so it seemed as when Matt push the door opened they saw that it was a really thick metal doorwith just the wooden door like painting on this side of thewall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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