Chapter 12: Hiastukos - 2

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"What in the name of jesus is that?" asked Amy

"Just stay back and watch" replied Rebecca

"Yes, it's really bad, isn't it Rebecca?" said Matt

"Really really bad"

"Did it ever happen to you?"

"Nope, but can we focus here right now Matt? Squeeze those leaves and make a paste of it. Take one third of that and then mix it with water, Minoi would need to drink it. "


"Is he gonnabe alright miss Rebecca?" asked Andrew

"First of all, don't call me "miss",and second ... we cannot say anything about about the outcome yet."


"See, we don't know anything for sure right now. Last time I came across something like this was around 5 years ago. In a friend of mine. He was also a wizard,or you can call him a witch if you want to. He learned magic in about... I don't know... a week!But then he turned dark... he started harnessing dark energy, joined the dark forces. Although he was not a loyal wizard, he was a loyal friend. So he tried letting go of that power but he couldn't. He fought hard to get rid of it but nothing worked. APPLY THE PASTE DAMNIT!" Rebecca screamed on Matt. Then she stopped telling them about that friend of hers and went to see if Minoi was doing it well.

Matt was applying the paste on Minoi's hands and it was all going so well. But suddenly his hands started to glow again.

"AGGHHHHH" screamed Matt as his hands scarred from the burns. Rebecca started muttering a spell which reduced that energy coming from Minoi's hands. Matt, still hurt, somehow applied the paste on his hands. After a couple of minutes Minoi became just a little bit conscious. So Rebecca took the liquid (one made from hiastuka) and made Minoi drink it. Nothing happened for about five minutes. But then his skin color started to change.It was like it had started repairing itself somehow. They didn't know how... but somehow it did. Rebecca and Matt finally felt a little peaceful at that time.

"Whats up now?" asked Mathew

"He needs rest now, for about a week I guess. I mean at max a week. Then he would be fine." Replied Matt

Seeing that the condition was now under control, the doctors, and the other patients felt relieved too as they hadn't seen anything like that before and were clueless about hwo to cure it.

Rebecca then went to the others while Andrew was still along side of Minoi.

"You guys wanna hear the next part of the story?" asked Rebecca

"Yes" replied Amy

"Yes so... he was caught between the dark side and the light side. So he faught and faught and faught but at the end he ended up getting this. The Hiastukos. It started from his hands, went up to his arms, and in just a day it infected his entire body. My grandmother wasn't there back then. She knew about the cure, she could have saved him if she was there. Anyways... she came just before he was about to die. I saw the look at her face, it was.. she was scared. She created a dorm spell around him which made a barrier around him. At that moment I didn't understand what was she doing, but things started to make sense later. When he died, he didn't die normally. His body, it released a lot of amount of energy. An amount enough to blow up our house. My grandmother saved us and that's when she told me about the infection. It happenesin witches and wizards who start late. Because they are not really immune to being caught by dark forces. But they aren't really loyal with the powers given too cause well... most of them are teenagers and we all know how they are. So... that's when she told me about all of this."

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