Chapter 6: The Second Witch

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It had been a couple of hours till they all came to know about this. About Ronin and him searching for the other survivors. Mathew cooked the food and Minoi helped him. The teenagers looked really hungry so they were given some food too. Rebecca was still bothered with the teenagers staying at her house but she didn't say anything as of now. She just looked at them suspiciously after every few minutes. This helped actually. All the teenagers asked Rebecca before doing anything because now they were aware of her powers and were scared of them too. They became more cautious and didn't try to do anything stupid like talking rudely to her or anyone of them actually.

They all ate the food and then lied on the couch for sometime, then Minoi started getting bored, so he said he would be going to the backyard of the house.

"You WILL be going to the backyard?" asked Rebecca

"Sorry, may I go to the backyard?" asked Minoi shakingly as he realized he should have asked first instead of saying that he is going, knowing that the four of them (the teenagers) are already in her hitlist.

"Yeah... go but if you dare break any of the statues back there, I swear to witchcraft you'll burn in hell! Mind that, those statues, theywere my grandmother's. Nothing should happen to them. Am I clear?"

"Ye.. ye... yes. I won't do anything to them."

"Good. You can go now."

"Thank you" then he went to the backyard. Minoi really loved fresh air and that was the reason he barely stayed at home.

"Hey Rebecca, I have a doubt." Asked Alex

"Go on"

"Hey according to that, I mean what you said from the journal, that... letter or something that predicted this year. It said something about the four. Do you know what it was? Like it's just the Alpha right?"

"I seriously have no idea Alex, I have been thinking about that too but I just don't know who or what was it talking about. You don't think there is more than one alpha do you?"

"No I don't. Because this is some really serious thing. They had to be clear about whatever they talked about. HEY... the Alpha was created right?"

"Yeah so? WAIT... are you saying..."

"Yeah... it's just a hunch but what if... the four of them are the alpha himself, Dr. Schokomen, then that CaptainMarshinolk... but who will be the fourth one? There has to be someone man."


"Yeah sorry, woman"


"AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH" they heard someone scream from the backyard.
Rebecca and John rushed first and the others followed them. When they reached there they were scared to see what was happening. There were five statues around minoi who had glowing ropes holding Minoi's legs, arms and neck.

"What the hell, stop it, what did he do? I will just shoot them", said John. But as soon as he picked up his gun, Rebecca pushed him with her powers and then he was stuck to the wall with his hand on the either side of his head.

"I am sorry but I would rather let the spirits decide what to do with him than letting you decide", Rebecca side giving a threatening look to the rest of them so they don't do anything stupid. Then she went to the statues and said, "What happened grams?"

"This child Minoi... I sense energy around him just like I found around you. But he cannot be like us, he's seventeen and he would have mastered witchcraft by now just like you did. There is no witch parent or grandparent who hasn't taught their child witchcraft from when they became four." Said one of the statues which actually contained the spirit of Rebecca's grandmother

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