Chapter 9: смерть

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Chapter 9: смерть

I should of run away... I should of ignored him... I shouldn't of said yes...

Did I even have a choice back then?...

I would of died... wouldn't I?...

"You'll die out here little one," the voice echoed around him. "It's too cold."

Early 1600s....

The small nation finally fell in the newly blanket of snow. He shook but didn't move, he couldn't even move anymore, he felt too numb. But his small polar bear, just a little smaller then himself, only jumped in front of him and nudged him to come on. The little one couldn't move though, he couldn't even speak anymore. The little bear carefully got to the side of him and tried using his paw to pull the little nation under him, which he managed to do. He could feel his owner shake and shiver but he tried to keep him warm in the only way he could. He looked at his owners face, the little one's lips actually turning blue with his pale face, his light blonde hair covered in snow and even becoming ice. He tried covering the little one from the harsh snow wind, but it won't stop the boy's shivering; there was nothing he could do...

That was when he appeared, his shadow covering them. The little bear looked up and even growled, but that didn't stop the figure from picking the bear up by it's leg and then picking up the small child into his arms. Against the bear's growls, the stranger walked them to someplace a little warmer... and disappeared.

The little nation managed to wake up with his head on his bear's side, using him like a pillow. He rubbed his eyes a bit and sat up off the bear. "K-Kumajirou." he coughed a bit and the bear picked his head up, then got up. The boy coughed a little more as the bear came over and rubbed his head under the boy's chin, then he grabbed onto the boy and began shaking again. He looked around more, curious about why there was no wind anymore, and found they had shelter. He couldn't remembered what happened but he sat there with his little bear, trying to stay as warm as he could.

"You're a country.... aren't you little one?..."


Canada didn't move from the couch. He had wrapped himself up in a blanket and laid there, not falling asleep, not moving, not talking, just laying there still. Russia looked in at him with a frown on his face, knowing he took it way too far. He didn't mean to, he panicked, but he did hurt Canada, and he really couldn't stand that. "Matthew..." He tried coming in but Canada covered his face with the blanket. "M-Matthew. I'm really sorry I did that." Canada stayed hidden in his blanket. "Matthew I'm sorry. I got carried away.... A-Are you alright?...." Still no answer. Russia frowned more and walked away, leaving him alone.

Canada moved himself and sat up on the couch, then took the blanket off his head. He took his good hand and put it around his throat, just the simple touch hurt. After all, it had actually bruised pretty bad. He looked over at Kumajirou sitting next to him, the bear immediately climbed over and sat on his lap. Canada couldn't even smile at the bear, he hugged onto the bear though and kept him there. "Canda, you okay?" Kumajirou looked up at him but he blankly just stared out, even tightening his grip a bit on the bear. "Canda?" still nothing, it seemed like not one thing would snap him out of his strange daze.

Hours began to pass before Canada actually moved. Russia saw him slowly go up the stairs to his room, the blanket still wrapped around him. Russia opened his mouth to say something but never said a word as the boy went up, then hearing the door gently close. He sighed then scratched the back of his head. "What in the hell am I going to do?..." he whispered to himself. He tried going up the stairs and knocked on the boy's door. It had been long time since he could talk to him, maybe he had calmed down a bit from his fear. "Matthew. Can I come in?" there wasn't a single sound back, not his voice, not movement, nothing. Russia frowned again. He walked away to his room and stayed there for the night.

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