Chapter 4: Почему вы не поможете нам?

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Chapter 4: Почему вы не поможете нам?

He hated being alone, he never liked it before and after the Union broke up, he hated it even more; especially in his big house. Everything echoed, a slight movement he would hear, the quiet sound he hated was there. He would rather be at a meeting, surrounded by the fights of England, France, or America. Even the fights between anyone he enjoyed, he liked hearing their voices, not just silence. If there was snow on the ground, he would even start to see and hear things that weren't there, it happened all the time. Winter played games with him, he twisted his mind, especially when he was alone, when he had time to think.

This time, he grabbed onto his mind, and wouldn't let go.

"Г-н Иван пришел игры~" A sweet little voice echoed though the hallways as he sat in his study looking over the new paperwork he had when the voice caught his ear, he quickly popped his head up and looked around, believing it was just too much work on his mind and it was playing tricks now. But the voice echoed again and he couldn't ignore it. He stood up and made his way to the hallways, peeking out and looking around.

Something the size of a small child ran through the hallway across from him, but quickly vanished behind the wall. He stood there for a minute but then followed down. "Who's there?" He asked. "Кто там?" He repeated in his own tounge. He looked over the corner to find a little girl, curly blonde hair but too dark to see in the shadows. Her back was turned to him as his eyes slowly widened at the sight of just who it was.

"Почему вы не помогают нам г-н Иван?" She slowly turned around and came out of the shadows, blood dripped from her bloody head wound. "Ты обещал нам поможет ..." Tears rolled down as the painful screaming of her mother echoed in the hallway, he himself screamed.

He jumped and quickly sat up in his bed, panting in sweat and even shaking at the thoughts of his latest nightmares. He tried taking deep breaths and tried to calm down as he looked over to the sleeping Matthew next to him, he calmed down. Just having him there made him feel relaxed, even after the harsh nightmare. He put his hand gently onto the boy's head and brushed it through his soft hair, trying not to wake him up. Canada didn't move or make a sound but Russia smiled a bit and closed his eyes, something felt familiar, something was still here. He laid back down softly and kept his hand on the boy's head. He closed his eyes and moved his hand to the boy's shoulder, smiling still with the feel of the boy still there and he was finally able to sleep until morning.

"It's freezing." Canada shivered at the kitchen table, wrapped in his fluffiest and warmest blanket, as Russia placed down a plate of pancakes in front of him.

"Da. I know." Russia lifted his scarf a bit, even he felt cold. "Man up, da? You're suppose to be used to this kind of weather."

"I am." He blew hot hair into hands. "But I would rather not be shaking in my boots."

"Matvey. You have socks on, not boots."

"Ivan. It's an expression." He said with a bit of a look, then smiled at him to show it was just a joke. Russia smiled a bit and sat down across from him. "I know you like warm places, I like warmer places too."

"You seem more into snow though."

"I like it, like it's fun to play hockey and sled and stuff, but, I,-" Canada paused, he couldn't explain his feelings toward this explanation. "I get a lot of nightmares." Russia was sipping his coffee but paused a bit and looked at the boy when he said that.

"Do you now? Why?"

"I-I don't know," He lied. "I just do." He silently took a sip of his own coffee and began to dig into the pancakes. Russia looked curiously at him, but after a while of the boy just eating, he ate himself. They ate in silence for a few minutes, neither of them were too awake to really get into a conversation. It was natural in the morning, for the last few weeks since Canada got better. It wouldn't be long before he would have to go though, knowing the situations back at his home, and Russia's. Every time he looked back up at the boy, the thoughts of being alone scared him. He knew Canada tried his best at keeping them together, Russia tried all he could as well. All the nightmares, he could only get through them with the boy here, he couldn't even think about it without him. He frowned.

RusCan: Winter Nightmares (Sequel to Snowy Relationships)Where stories live. Discover now