The Divine Move

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In the loft, Derek was using a lighter to seal Ethan's wounds

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In the loft, Derek was using a lighter to seal Ethan's wounds

"Should be fine in a couple of hours. Unless whoever shot you manages to find you again." Derek said

Aiden looked at his messages on his phone and said, "Lydia's with Scott. We need to go."

"Are you gonna try to convince her to go with you?" Derek asked

Aiden nodded and said, "I'm gonna try and convince her to run and hide. Like any sane person would do."

Derek then looked over to Ethan and said, "And Danny?"

"Allison's dead. Stiles is dying." Ethan looked to his left and saw Maddie sitting on the couch with her head on Peter's shoulder, "Maddie's dying. What do you think?"

Derek looked at Ethan and said, "I think Danny won't believe you." He then looked to Aiden, "And Lydia would never run and hide."

"Because of Stiles?" Aiden asked

Derek shook his head and said, "Because of Scott and Maddie. You've been trying to find a way into their pack. Trying to earn their trust, trying to fight for them. You've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader. You fight for a leader's cause."

"What cause?" Aiden asked

"Scott and Maddie have always been about one thing. Saving their friends. They will do anything and everything to save the people they cares about. When there's no chance of winning, they keeps fighting. When all hope is lost, they finds another way. And when they're beaten down, they stands up again. You want to earn a place in their pack? You want redemption? Find another way to stand and fight!" Derek said

Derek then picked up his phone when it started to ring.

"Scott?" Derek asked

"The Triskele box, with your mothers claws do you have it?"

Derek nodded and said, "Yeah."

"Bring it to the school, we need it."

"Okay, me and the twins are on our way." Derek said he then turned to the twins, "You heard that."

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