1: Those Two

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Saturday evening Danger Force and Ray found themselves at Nacho Ball hunting down Jeff in his very bad attempt from stealing the Nacho Ball neon sign which lit up by the entrance doors. Apparently Jeff thought up a brilliant plan to place the sign on a dumpster, paint it some yellow and orange color and trick costumers into giving Jeff their money. Although you can't really call Volt's shock at Jeff and Shout-out's wave blast into the box Brainstorm had floated behind Jeff too eventful... It was an easy capture for sure for Danger Force. After Awol teleported Jeff back to Swellview prison, Ray decided it was best to stay the night in the Man's Nest as it was too late outside and the buses weren't running.

Sunday morning in the Man's Nest was like any other day of the week. If Danger Force had to stay the night Ray always saw to it that he make them his famous flapjacks, or as he'd like to call them "Man-flaps". Mika and Miles were used to rising early with their parents always waking them for school and Schwoz was nowhere to be found as it was clear he was working on fixing the building's heater which had broken down earlier in the week.

Ray was flipping his last couple of Man-flaps when he looked over at Mika, "Why don't you wake those two up for me? Shoutout." Mika knew what Ray meant when he called her shoutout, even if Ray were to do something nice for them like make them breakfast, he would always try to find ways to tease them.

"C'mon Rayyyy let me wake them like a normal human being..." Mika looked back over at Miles who was sitting in the circled booth still in his pijamas pouring himself a cup of orange juice.

Miles knew she was asking for him to help, "Yea Ray, Leave the poor kids alone! You know Chapa has a hard time falling asleep without her phone to listen to music and Bose BARELY slept because he thought YOUR little getup over there with the coat rack and scream mask was some sort of serial killer or something."

Ray looked over at the two while plating the finished stack of Man-flaps and set them down at the table, "Aw. They do look cute sleeping like that in their little sleeping bags."

Of course they were no where near each other... They found out the hard way Chapa usually 'sleep sparked' as they liked to call it... Instead of sleep talking she would spark anything she had in close range and well, they were all afraid to sleep next to her.

"DON'T TELL THEM I SAID THAT." Ray pointed his fingers toward Mika and Miles, "Still they have to wake up, breakfast is ready. And turn on the TV will ya? Apparently they've made a HOT discovery and I KNOW for a fact it will be all about me and my new hair care routine." Ray said while running his hand back through his hair.

Mika walked over to the two sleeping on the floor, looked down and thought Ray was right, they did look adorable sleeping there, Chapa was not speaking her scary thoughts to anyone and Bose... Well he was quiet, and that was nice, even for Mika.

She walked over to Chapa first as she knew she would be the hardest to wake up and shook her slightly with her hands on her shoulder, "Chaaappaaaa," she continued in her sweetest voice, "Waakeeyy wakkeeeyyy, Ray made flaaaaapjacckkss!" Chapa shuffled over to her side and Mika could see her holding a little pink bunny under her blanket, "Come on Chapa, it's time to wake up..." Mika shook her slightly once again, this time she unintentionally zapped Mika.

Mika slightly annoyed now shook her harder and reached over to the bunny Chapa was holding in her hands, "Wake up Chapa! For the love of-" At that moment Mika could see Chapa's eyes dart open and follow Mika's hands attempt to pry the bunny from her hands, "Don't. Touch. Ham." Mika wasn't surprised, she's really not a morning person. Mika once again told Chapa, "Let's go, UP." And with that Chapa stood up, grabbed her blankets, threw them down the laundry shoot and headed to the washroom to wash up.

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