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Ivanov Eve Turgenev's Point Of View (P.O.V)


I look at my four little babies and smile. I had thought I was carrying triplets but it was actually four babies. I had been taking care of them for the last five days.

It was two lions and two wolves. All male. They were jumping around right now. They would shift into their human form when they turn one years of age. Until then they would be in their animal form.

I had shifted back into my human form last night. But I continue to shift back into one of my two wolf forms.

I had to name them all alone since there was no one with me. And I named them what S'thembiso and I had talked out.

The first born was a lion named Andrei. It means man, warrior. And the second son, a wolf, he was named Anakin, it means warrior. And the third born was again a lion and I named him Ade, the name means royal. And then the last baby, a wolf, I named him Lwandle, meaning ocean.

The first two are both kings. Andrei the king of the pride and Anakin, the king of the northern wolves. And the two youngest are surely going to be something else. They would be strong warriors. I can feel it. A mother always knows which position their child is to be given.

I hear crashing outside and then I feel S'thembiso's presence. I look up and then I can hear a scream fill the air. They attacked the pack. I am happy but also sad. I gather the babies and put them all in the basket that I had created using wood.

I cover them with leaves. They were asleep so they wouldn't know what was going on. I pick up the basket and then crawl out of the cave.

I look out and then slowly make my way out. I look everywhere and then start walking. I hold the basket close to me.

It was morning so I knew where I was going. I quicken my speed and in thirty-five minutes I am standing to the side of a war.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look to my side to see Thando. I breath out in relief and smile at her.

"Queen. I am so glad you are safe." Thando said and she hugged me but it was a little awkward since the basket was in the way.

"We have to stop this Thando." I say and look out at the field to see blood and bodies fall.

"How though?" She asked and I knew how.

I hand her the basket with my pups and cubs in it. She looks down and then her eyes widen at the four little noses poking out.

"Where did you steal them from?" She asks me and I chuckle.

"Use your nose Thando. They are mine. And be careful." I say and then turn to the battlefield.

I slowly walk in and start shifting. This would be the first time I would be shifting into both my forms. And it hurt, a lot.

My soul splits into two and then I shift into two wolves. It is kinda hard to do that because I have to focus and it could go wrong. Two wolves with one mind. And that mind is mine.

It is like I have two brains working on different things while still being one. It is so cool that I can see and comprehend both things at the same time.

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