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S'thembiso Eze Khaya's Point Of View (P.O.V)


I look down at the beer and then place it aside. It had been two weeks since Ivanov had left. The beer doesn't get me drunk.

And my lion was worried about him. He was extremely worried and that was the reason I couldn't focus on anything. I was terrified of losing Ivanov.

I would not be able to live without him. I knew that I would rather chose death then life if I had to spend it without Ivanov.

I missed him and my cubs a lot. Even though my cubs were yet to be born. I couldn't wait to hold them in my hands, lick them clean and watch over them as their mama would go out to hunt. But I also worry since the cubs are usually born in their form meaning they will be born as baby cat shifters.

I look up from the papers when I hear the doors open. I scrunch my eyebrows when I see Enzokuhle standing there.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Alex friend and the queen has gone 'missing'. His family says he didn't reach home. But he had left two weeks ago. He said they are lying. And that he did reach home but they can't find him." He said and I stand up from the chair as panic goes through my whole body and my lion roars, wanting his queen next to him.

"Why was I not informed of this earlier." I yell as I start walking out of the office. I need to find him.

"I found out today. I didn't know before this. I promise brother." He said as he walked beside me.

"We are gonna get him." I whispered out.

"Brother I think we should first make a plan and then go in. We can't just jump in before knowing anything." Enzo said and I turned to look at him.

He was right and I knew it.

"Call a meeting. Get the information of where his house is. The meeting is to be in place in two hours. I want as many pride cat shifters as you can get. Tell them all that this is an emergency and it is an order from the king that they have to be here in two hours." I say as I start walking to the meeting room.

My pride is not only lions. There are other species that live under the head pride, meaning my pride. I am the king of the whole jungle. And other shifters are below me. There are other cat shifters that are also under me.

I sit there as I wait. As I wait I start working to get my mind of things.

The two hours seemed to have passed extremely slow. I was so worried for my queen and my cubs. Anything could have happened to them as I sat here in safety.

I close my eyes and lean back on my chair.

'Help me S'thembiso. Please. I don't know if you hear me but help me. My parents locked me in a dungeon. I am afraid for the babies or cubs as you call them. I am in the north. The Stark town. Please help me. I am scared.' I open my eyes and look around the room.

The voice was terrified. I could tell from the way there was a lot of stops and tremors in his voice.

I know who the voice belongs to. But I don't know how he could mind link me. And how did he even know this type of things happened.

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