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Third Point Of View (P.O.V)

All the members of the council sat around the table and sighed softly. They didn't know why they were here. But they knew it was important. They had an idea on what this conversation was going to be on.

The council members are the vampires since they are immortal beings and are older then many. They sometimes could even be referred to as elders.

But the proper terms are council member, councilor, councilperson or if you want to use gender specific terms then councilman or councilwoman.

There were twelve of them and they all had a small team of people with them to work on specific things. They all started talking in between each other.

But they all stopped talking when the head of the council entered the meeting room. They refer to him as mayor and he has been the leader since the council was made.

They all stay hidden from the others. They don't talk with many. And stay to themselves. They only talk with people they deem trustworthy. And not many are seen as trustworthy to them since they know many things.

They all stood up from their chairs and gave a little bow to the mayor. They all were friends but in the meeting room they were nothing but council members to each other.

They all sat down and looked at the mayor expectantly. They wanted him to tell them all why they were called to a meeting this early in the morning.

They all had an idea on what the topic was. They all had this little tingle in the back of their minds telling them it would be about the war between the big cat shifters and werewolves.

The two species have been at war since they were created. They always clashed with each other. It may be because their creators already had hate for each other.

Selene the goddess of the moon used to be very immature and she still is since she has still not stepped back to stop the wars. She is a good person but she was the one who started the useless war between the two species.

She didn't like it that the two sun gods had more power. She wanted the wolves to be the kings of the jungle but they are night. And they already rule over the cold lands. But she chose greed over peace.

And Helios and Apollo the two gods of the sun. They always were peaceful. They created the shifters that live in dry land. And the beauty of those majestic creatures was loved by all. And still are loved.

The war happened because of the three and it has not ended. Many don't know this but the vampires were created by Lucifer. And the vampires are now the ones that look over all species.

And they could even create if they wanted to. But they don't do those things anymore. The specie they had created was killed because of the power they held. They are now a mere myth. The twin wolves were created by them but now were a myth.

The mayor looked at the members of the council and sighed softly. He was tired of shifters ripping each other apart just for something they didn't even know about. Greed truly destroys everything.

"I have a prophecy to tell you all about." The mayor said and everyone looked up at him.

They had not been told of a prophecy for years. There had been no prophecy for a long time. And this prophecy could possibly be a good one. And it could change many things.

They all nodded indicating to him that he shall tell them and that they would listen. They all kept their ears open. They knew that this prophecy is an important one.

"He who is hurt.
But stands strong.
He knows he is different.
But he has hope for a better upcoming.

He is a twin wolf.
Created from two contrasting elements.
He would bring the two together as a twin wolf.

Their relationship will make all bow to their love."

The mayor said and he looked at the council members. They all knew that it may not be the best to bring the twin wolf back. They knew he would not have an easy life being different. But if it meant the war be stopped they would do it.

"Mayor we stand with you on this decision. And we would help you create the twin wolf and then we can bless the king with the child." One of the councilman said and stood up from his chair.

That day they worked hard. They didn't know if the person gifted would be strong enough but they could wish that the person would be strong enough.


{808+ words}

Authors Note.

Hey this is the author here.
Hope the ones reading are doing good.
I hope you liked the start and are interested in reading more.

Vote if you liked the chapter.
Comment if you can.
Silent readers are greatly appreciated too.

I am not gonna have an update schedule. And if you found any mistakes then do point them out. I would not get mad.

And the last thing now.

I love you. And you are appreciated. (Kisses😘❤)



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