Chapter 15:

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Rey's face looked hardened. His muscles flipped up. He was looking at Wahi, filled with fierce rage I had ever seen. His anger was confusingly visible. Then his gaze drifted to me. Through clenched teeth, he looked away from me. Wahi was unaware of his presence and my absence in d game, caught me twirling. I wasn't in d state to acknowledge him. Then he realized I wasn't reacting. He found Rey. OMG! This can't be happening. Rey couldn't take it wrong. To make d matters worse, Wahi smirked at him and whispered to me "Oh I see, ur mentor is been following u". If I kept quite any longer, everything would end up in a mess. "Rey...." I started to speak. Maybe, he wanted to be with me and console me. I was d one stopped him when he insisted to come. Gosh, I'm such a girl! I totally ruined it. He didn't give me a soft look. Directly indicating he was so damn hurt. "Ur dad wanted to look for u. So I volunteered. But, I see u r alright" He glanced between us. Words were spoken like hitting a nail on my flesh. "If ur chasing and tickling are finished, ur dad and brother awaits u" He turned his back on us. But he didn't move a foot step. I cringed by his treatment. I wasn't d one at any fault. Y d hell should I blame myself when I didn't do any wrong? But I couldn't stand his coldness. I trotted to d shore, picking up my coat n shoes. Wahi was behind me.

I was already shivering my wits out. To ascend it to d worst, d wind blew ferociously. The nearby leaves of trees shook, blowing air to pick up in storm like. D sand particles propped up in d blow, surrounding us in a misty sand dust. I was so angry. Rey cursed under his breath and turned to me. Wahi looked fazed, as he struggled to sneak back his milky body into his own clothes. I was frozen, clenching my teeth. Suddenly, a hand touched me. "Calm down" His honey suckle voice floated like a reminder. His startling blue turned steely eyes warned me. All my anger faded into a thin mist replaced by a jolt of electric thrill down my spine. A soothing calm spread over me.

Gosh, was I d one responsible for chaos just created. Suddenly, something struck my mind. Elements: Water, Air, Fire, Earth. It was a book written by some anonymous author. A phrase attracted me to read, when I was working in d library dungeon. Something like........ In ancient days, people with special knowledge and caliber knew d way to control these elements. There was even a folk tales of Goddess using these properties to upheld d nature. Earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, draught used to cause by Gods empowered with these powers when they were angry. Oh Gosh! I could now connect those pieces of puzzle. My dad confirmed I was a Goddess of ELEMENTS. Was this d reaction of my anger?

'U can control it, Taani. Just calm down' Rey spoke in my head. It didn't surprise me. He held my gaze, providing me strength to keep it all up. It's obvious he didn't want an intruder to think us freaks. He didn't take a chance in front of Wahi. Believing I wouldn't wrath us in anymore destruction, he left my hand. I felt disappointed. It felt nice when his fingers were wrapped around my wrist. He looked at Wahi. He stared us back flabbergasted. Hell, he should have understood now. He arched an eyebrow at me. I shrugged, acting on with Rey. "It's better if we leave, before any such storm re occurs" Though Rey's words were solely to me, his gaze told other things. It was a threat to Wahi to back-off. He wouldn't take any zaniness of his with me. I bit my lip, hiding a satisfactory smile. God, he was so damn jealous. I like it.


Dad threw me and Wahi a once over look. Like really he didn't believe I was swimming in d past hour less, mid-night with our neighbor, after everything happened. Yeah, I know it's kind of unexpected. Swayam snorted in disapproval at me. But both didn't speak a word. "U better hurry home or else Mrs. Nancy would get a stick to beat u up" Swayam said calmly to Wahi. Actually Wahi looked embarrassed. Who doesn't if their grams get a stick to chase her grandson! "Goodnight, Taani" He caught my eyes. I reflected his wish with a nod. Realizing d 3 possessive pair of eyes were staring him he flushed stumbling "Goodnight to all".

Dad and Swayam didn't try to investigate me. Rey's one hard look to me confirmed them. I tried to speak to him, but he ignored me. Bidding a warning to look after me carefully specially during nights, he trolled off. He didn't even say good night to any one of us. Not even me. Swayam suppressed an amused grin at my lame attempt of pouting on Rey's behavior "It's not that easy to understand him". I didn't know what he meant by it. He didn't elaborate it. He and Dad pampered me for several minutes and then let me go to bed.

Thank God! Because I so badly wanted some sleep. But not before changing my wet clothes into dry tank top and pajamas. I fell on my comfortable four poster bed, blocking out all d unnerving incidents. I only remembered Rey's beautiful face. I dreamt of him, thankfully for d first time not d nightmare.


I was early to d college as usual. I wanted to meet Rey before I could go to library for my work. Firstly, I searched defense hall, only to be disappointed. I didn't know where to find him. Failing in my attempt, I got to library. Vicky gave me a big grin "Morning, Chica Bonita" Gosh, this is d third time, he's calling me that. And I just blushed since I knew the meaning of it. "Morning" I said bleakly, moving my way to d dungeon before he could immerse me in any conversation. I worked for hours in d dungeon in a semi-half mood. Finally, when it's completed I was excited for my defense class. I wanted to meet him and clarify any misunderstandings between us. But I guess my luck took a back-seat. He didn't even speak to me. We jogged and trained like mute machines. Every time I made an effort to have conversation, he would cut me off. I was frustrated. He wouldn't even neither speak in my head nor glance at me. It continued for week in same routine. I continued serving my detention. It became kind of boring. I didn't even get a chance to converse with Harshad regarding all the truth revelation done by dad though I guess he knew already. He would have always been busy with either Sneha or one of all d girls at college. After all, he stood out quite popular, nowadays. During nights, he would run errands for my father. There goes my chance of spending time with him. I really miss him. Besides, I maintained less conversation with Wahi as much as possible afraid Rey would get upset again. But still I considered Wahi as my friend. I couldn't ignore him life-long. Finally, Saturday was here. The fresher's party night! But I got no date. What a teenage life of mine!

I opened my locker, ignoring d students in d hall who were planning for tonight's party. Sneha and Harshad were going along. In d love of God, I don't understand their equation, though they are my best friends. Heck, I didn't have any date. And I was least interested in one. As I closed d locker, retrieving my math book, I jumped off. Wahi was leaning beside my locker, watching me. "U scared me" I acted a sigh, trying to break d awkwardness suddenly built after little Rey-Show-up-during-our-swim-session. "Will u be my date tonight?" He asked with a calm demeanor, never leaving my eyes. Kill me. Just kill me. Of all d guys, y on d earth he was d one to ask me? "I'm not coming to d party" I said more to myself. "Is it because I'm asking u" He arched both d eyebrows. It only gave him a sexy look, distracting me for a while. "No" I shrugged. He didn't believe it for a minute. "Well, then. I'll be waiting for u" He straightened. "Wahi, I said I'm not com...." He suddenly moved closer to me, cornering against locker "Is it because of ur mentor?" His voice held d edge of acknowledgement. I fidgeted. "Then I'm so sorry for u, Kitten. Because he got a date to d party" He smirked. I just rooted. My attention snapped. "Guess who maybe his date?" Oh, I think I already knew d answer. Wahi inched closer, making me uncomfortable "It's my mentor, Neha Roy" My gut twisted in an unpleasant way. I taught I hated her. No, I loathed her. "Now I'm sure, u will come with me to d party, kitten" He placed lock of hairs behind my ear. I shivered in spite of d warm ambience. His smug face challenged me to deny it. I had no patience to dwell on Wahi's chances. He had baited me. There was no turning back. Jealousy overtook. Screw mission clarifying Rey. I was so going to d party with Wahi. "You win" I reluctantly gave up.

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