Chapter 9:

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Well, it was Friday evening, I remembered to collect book from library for my due assignment of Titan's battle essay for Greek period. The week would be ending and my detention will be zipped off. So, I could no long ignore my class works. Though Wahi insisted me to do it on my account, I didn't feel it right. Yeah, I know. I was being Mary saint here. But come on, it isn't his problem though it was his mistake to drag me on d first place. Al ready I'm freaking out by his confrontation on that night. It's been 2 days, yet I couldn't get over what happened or what I saw and learnt. I can't imagine how such innocent boy like Wahi could possibly be d reason for my nightmare incident. Besides all, his grandfather was dead when he was 7 years old itself. He got to be kidding me? Because how I am suppose to say I saw him before night. Or his ghost! Oh dear God, now I can see ghosts too! God forbid, if I try to kill that old man next time if his-ghost visits me. I had sat with him holding his hand for hours in silence. I didn't have words to assure him but could at least be there for him. Also I tried distracting him talking more about us anyways. I had d scariest idea to confront him about nightmare but I thought better of it. What if, he thinks I'm making a joke of him for revealing secrets of his life? I couldn't bear any such accusations from him. I liked him. He is my friend. But he probably wouldn't understand even if I unravel d connection of me with his paintings and his grandfather's ghost. And Harshad, he apologized for forgetting to meet me. Honestly, I was mad at him. So I haven't spoken to him till now. And there, a part of my brain always thinks about d guy even amidst of d mess I'm in. And miss him immensely.

I trotted to d library. Vicky was perched up on d table skimming through some book. Seeing me his face lit up. d time of week, we really got to know each other little well. He even helped me in my work in d dungeon. My assumption was right. He's a Russian. His parents stay in Russia while he's adopted by his uncle Julian Delphi. Oh, you may have gone bonkers. IKR! Because, even I was like 'What-D-Fuck' when I got to know Rey and he r related: cousins. How comic! Since they share complete dog and snake animosity. He then didn't talk much about his personal life, though I persuade him to know about Rey more. He often read some phrases of d books to me. He also believed in a world beyond humans, just like my father. I shrugged initially, but d fathom of his knowledge regarding anything other than humans are surreal. His audacity drowned me to actually believe it. Seeing d things happening in my life, I could hardly blame him. Because, gradually I was accepting there is something more with me.

"Hey, Chica-Bonita....What's up? U r back again..." He raised an eyebrow. "What's d meaning of this Chica-Bonita? You always call me that..." I frowned. "I think I'll answer later" He chuckled at my face. Jolting his jest, I asked him to help finding d book.


Freak! It was dusk already: 6:30 PM. Oh man, how d hell do I go home. Chatting with Vicky and working on my essay I had totally lost d departure time. Swayam would have gone to church, a habit of his on every Friday. Well, Harshad,,,, even if he was d best option, I'm not gonna turn back on my commitment. Let d asshole learn some lesson: not to ignore his BFF. Dad, don't even try calling him. He would be busy at office. Sharon, I doubt she'll be free since she had plans with spa. Wahi, I'm not really ready to encounter him yet. D only option I had was Vicky, but even he had left to some designer shop to give an order for d homecoming party. Now d only choice I left with is to walk. Oh, I'm going to have a serious talk with my father and brother. Heck, if they didn't get me a car, I'm going to trash them. Or...really steal someone's car. Don't get all surprised.

The daylight was slowly transforming into grayish black. Still there was no hint of moon but darkness was covering d city. Cotton beads in d sky melted blackening d sky-blue sky. Something was eerily wrong with d atmosphere. I could feel it. I had walked 10 steps when I felt d presence of tingle. Soon, SUV halted suddenly beside me. I bolted to d footpath crashing a hand on my chest. "Taani......." Rey was here. Even afraid, I couldn't help but experience a thrill of collywobbles popping up-down in my stomach seeing him and hearing his voice. Involuntarily, my lips widened. He wore Green sweater, murky jeans and faded brown ankle boots. There was a small cut on his jaw. I wondered from where it came. His always sunny face was swamped by sadness. Dark bags made their way under his eyes. I wanted to squeeze all that sadness and hold him giving so much happiness. But I doubted, he would allow me to even touch him at d moment. Seeing him after a day felt like years. "What are you doing?" His tone came out harsh. "I was just walking home" I cringed. Still in d same angry mood he came to me. "Walking home? Alone!" I nodded. "It's not safe to walk alone after sun is down, Taani. You should know better" He shouted on me. What d.... Didn't he feel happy seeing me? D guy is all lecturing me even without noticing my excitement of being near him. Tears prickled immediately at d corner of my eyes for my dismay. Oh, Taani...don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. But a small drop of liquid splashed my cheek. And his hard posture softened. "Man! I'm such a jerk...." He looked away rubbing a hand in his hairs. Closing his eyes for a second, he looked at me. Those startling blue eyes pierced through me to understand his words and not misunderstand. "I'm sorry..... I know, you were just concerned.... I'm being a cry baby...." I wiped my eyes dragging my eyes away from him. "No.... You were just being u..." He took a step towards me. I stilled. He lifted my chin and I tried to ignore d jolt of electricity his touch produced. "I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to be rude on u..." D soft melodic breath of him was intoxicating. "It's been a very long day...." He huffed. I smiled hoping it would relax him. His gaze dropped to my lips, looking so intently. He then looked at my face. Suddenly d air seemed very hot. He leaned in to me, lips narrowing on mine, without even touching me. I didn't dare to move back. It was a torture to be so close to him and not do any physical things which obviously were running like a catching fire on our both brains. He suddenly moved back puffing a breath as if he was holding all his breath till now. "Come on, I will give u a drop" He moved to d car and held open door for me. I didn't even try to deny knowing very well he would hop me on his shoulder if d case comes, though I felt disappointed at his rejection when I so willed a kiss. Only if he knew!

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