Chapter 7:

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The next morning, as I entered d library hall as a punishment of detention, d scent of books hit me. It always wonders me how these stacks of papers enlightens our knowledge. The librarian was nowhere to be seen. Not knowing what to do, I walked over racks, scanning d area. Maybe I was interested in all those pretty books. It's simply not true. My mind was roaming off. So many things were happening in my life. Yet I couldn't contemplate what d truth is. My weird abilities, writing on d giant door, seeing some invisible old man warning me, tingle and eyes of a small boy similar to Rey's........... Tingle on my neck sharpened and I suddenly whipped my head. At d same time, Rey whooped "Boo........" My breath stopped nearly just as his lips breezed near nape of my neck. Every night mare just buzzed off far away from my mind. Since I had wore shoulder less mini vermilion-blue floral frock, his caressing breath on my skin produced a rush of heat along. I swear my cheeks turned pale pink. He stood so close to me, his sneakers brushed my bare legs. If he realized how close we were standing, he didn't try to move back. He was watching me with amusement sparkling eyes. His startling blue eyes make me nervous every time he stares at me so intently. His lips, damn! Why don't I get a chance to kiss them senseless? u guys can't blame me for that. "What are you thinking?" His voice held a light mischief in it. Oh boy, he just can't know I was fantasizing to kiss him. Flushed with embarrassment, I lowered my eyes "Nothing" Eager to change d topic, I asked "What are you doing here? I thought defense class is after finishing my work at Library" I raised an eyebrow. Side of his lip elongated up. He moved closer, his lips stopping right in front of mine, so close he could have kissed me "I didn't know u r so desperate for my training" His hands were on d rack, cornering me against. "Hey.....I wasn't desperate" Again, I bit my lip trying to keep steady. His proximity was oozing off the heat within me. "U weren't....Now...that strucks" He inched even closer, his gaze falling on my lips. If he took one more step, I'm sure as hell........didn't know what I was going to do. "You know, I could teach u so many things" His one hand left d rack in d meaning of doing other things. His finger tip traced my cheekbone, jaw, further moving onto exposed neck. All d while, we hadn't broken our gazes. But I was shivering. Not like bad shiver, it almost felt elated. His touch left a trail of firecrackers on my skin, jolting my nerves to pound in electricity. I fisted my palms so tightly afraid I would do d things he wanted me to do. I wasn't going to lose my control, though it was d most difficult thing to do at d moment. So much for adrenaline rush. Huh...........

Someone cleared their throat at d door. Rey was so fast I didn't even realize when he moved away from me and stood at handful distance. "What's going on?" a tall n handsome guy stood there like a giant spider. He dared us. Point to be noted, he was throwing daggers at Rey. His cool accent was bleeding amazing. Guess he's Russian. His looks said d same. His skin was pale white. His cheek-bones were high, making him even more handsome. His shoulders were hunched bigger and broader. His face had d power of dominance. "Like u didn't c" Rey said casually, like it wasn't a big deal. D guy rolled his eyes, taking me in. "U should leave" He was glaring Rey. "Are you telling me to get out?" Rey cocked an eyebrow at him. "Yes..." "I'm hurt Vicky......."Rey kept his hand on heart. I watched between them not knowing what to do. Man, I wonder why Rey had only enemies in d college....... "See u in d afternoon" Rey winked me, before throwing a sweet glare on Vicky.

After they left, Vicky trotted to d table, took some files and handed it to me "Sorry about that" He said not looking at me. I smiled lightly shrugging 'It's-Ok'. "Come on with me, I'll show u ur work" There was an underground chamber. It was covered with all d old books, papers, files etc. "Ur work is to divide and conquer" He motioned along a stack of books. "What exactly is that?" I looked skeptically at him. He giggled. "Awee...... Y do I think u r poor in mathematics" Oh yes. Obviously I was. But that doesn't make him any upper hand. Looking at me he giggled. "U still didn't get it?" I nodded no. "All these books are of different genre. Everything here is immixed. Ur work is to divide all d books n join it w.r.t it's genre" Oh! "See, simple" Sure it sounds simple. "Now get going. I'll be there up. Give a shout, if needed." He turned to leave. OMG! Me alone in this haunted chamber. Nice way to torture me. "By d way" I nearly choked when Vicky turned to me. He chortled off "Gosh, Chica Bonita. I wouldn't eat u off........." He was yet laughing "I forgot to introduce myself. If u r working under me for a week, it's good that we knew our names, at least" Oh...."Taani Hathway" His masculine demeanor went still. Shuddering out of his stance, he offered me his name "Vicky Belikov" "By d way, be careful of Rey" He winked before leaving me haunted amidst of books. What is with guys and winking me? Huh........ What d hell did he mean when he told me to beware of Rey? God knows... what's going on here.........

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