Chapter 13:

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I don't know how long I was blacked-out. When I woke up, I was in my room. Everything was similar. Just when my sight fixed, I saw Rey moving towards me. "Taani" He spoke softly. Concern was edged in his voice. I tried to get up, only to fall back unsuccessfully. "It's ok, just lie down" He lent me a hand to help me down. I wasn't harmed physically but my body felt weak. My head ached mentally. My throat was stricken. When I tried to open my mouth, I couldn't speak instantly. "Calm down.... You are alright." He stroked my hairs in fondness. A simple gesture of it made my heart skip a beat. "Kri...ya...?" I fought my numbness of vocal chords. "Don't worry. She's fine. Swayam is with her." He cupped my cheek while d other palm stroked my hairs. His palm was cool against my skin. Neither he nor did I averted our eyes. Looking into each other reassured us we were safe and together out of danger.

Suddenly, d sound of door open broke our contact. Swayam entered d room. His face carried some of d tension. He looked between us, glaring at Rey for a moment. Ouch, possessive. Like a gentleman, Rey detached himself from d seat making a room for my brother. He walked to d window, staring outside. I glanced between them. They didn't even look at each other. Speaking was far away. "How are you feeling, now?" Swayam didn't dare to touch me. While he spoke, his voice broke. I took his hand in mine. "I'm fine, Swayam" I gave a small squeeze. He didn't look me in d eye. I know he was hardly trying to blink back d tears. "I'm sorry, Taani. I'm so so...sorry.... You got to face that all...If I would have been careful enough..." He clenched his fist. "Swayam...." I just wanted to assure him I was alright but he looked so broken in d moment. The night wasn't all sunrise and flowers for me, but none were responsible for it except for myself. Just d thought of those horrendous incidents kills me alive. Still, it isn't his pain to suffer.

"You can't blame urself for what it is not your fault" Rey's audacity brewed silently. Swayam looked surprised. Maybe, d righteousness in his voice made him wonder. After all he blamed him nonchalantly d previous day. "If there is anyone's fault, it's mine" Rey's face wasn't visible. But I didn't want to see his face to tell his anger was on pinnacle. Why on the earth both d guys are blaming themselves for what happened? Since I believe they were in no way responsible to cause it. "It was no one's fault, ok. I followed d guy and whatever happened was probably because of me........" I swallowed d bitter taste of my words. "But I don't understand, how come he turned into a freaking cat n then to human n next as fly............" I stared at Swayam, also turning to Rey often in between my confession. "Oh....I don't understand anything, Swayam......He spoke about my sacrifice....some master n all...." I pressed my head as d pain exceeded. Next second, Rey was beside me, giving a serious look "Just stop talking for a while. Ur questions can wait". That only made me more serious. "U just can't tell me to shut up while I was d one he mentioned to kill" I retorted. He flinched. "I didn't tell to shut up" Whatever he was feeling, he disguised it by trying to fool me out with some humor. But I wouldn't give in to his games. "Wait.... Wait a second. He warned u it's a 3rd time, does it mean he had attacked me twice before?" I couldn't even fetch a single memory of such, even after raking my brain constantly. Rey didn't meet my eyes. For d first time Rey and Swayam looked at each other. There was a kind of vulnerability in both. "Then how come......" I stared at Rey incredulously. "U.... u saved me!" It wasn't a question. He looked everywhere but at me. "Why?" I waited. The more questions pushed up "Wait....How did u both know exactly where I was?" I was sitting now. Rey arranged a pillow on my back for support. Though my body dizzied, I resisted. I wanted to know d answers. "Taani!" It was Swayam who spoke this time. "You want answers, right?" I nodded. "But we are not d one to tell u." I stared in confusion. "U can't be serious, Swayam." I gave him a disgusting look. "I have been haunted by a nightmare from years. Today, half of d freaking dream came true. While I'm so thankful, u guys found me, I have every frigging right to know what were u both doing in d woods at night?" He sighted at my outburst. Rey moved closer but he stopped, looking at my dagger face. "I know what u might be feeling, Taani" Swayam searched my hands. "Trust me. U'll know everything, u want to know. But only after dad returns home" "What have dad to do with all this?" I was aghast as thoughts of dad dealing with werewolves and Vampires wavered in front of me. "Everything" Rey emphasized. His voice was stoical but there was a grudge beneath it. It was angry or bitterness towards my dad, I couldn't understand. I fell crestfallen. Dad and his supernatural researches! Oh God! I don't know what I should feel. "When will dad be back?" I doubted it would be any soon, since his errands runs weeks, maybe sometimes months. "I'm not sure. He's on emergency. But I promise, u'll get ur answers on his return" Swayam brushed his lips on my forehead. "Now, have some rest. I'll have a look on Kriya." He turned to Rey. "I'll stay" Rey was looking at me. Swayam watched him in silence for more than a second. He didn't move. Sighing, "Good night" Swayam waved leaving us ALONE. Can u believe my possessive brother had left me alone with a guy? Though I suspect it has to do with d stubborn Rey.

Rey once again sat in d arm chair beside my bed "U should sleep". "I can't sleep when u r staring at me like a piece of meat" I mocked. D minute those words left my mouth, blood drained my face. D corner of his lip curled up. Even in amidst of all this mess, a simple hidden smile by him elated me. I couldn't stop d smile forming on my lips as well. "U can skip d classes tomorrow. If you wish, I can speak to d principal." Rey suggested. Well, while d idea of resting whole day would be cozy, I didn't want principle to think I was faking unhealthiness. Besides, I can't miss spending time with Rey. Come on, if I want to investigate what our bond is, I couldn't miss d chance. "No thanks. I would prefer finishing off with my punishment as soon as I can" I rolled my eyes. His hidden smile was intact. "As you wish" He smirked. "Now at least lie down, sleep will eventually come" He helped me to into a sleeping position. He was watching me. "Is there something on my face?" I asked, uncomfortable. "No. I like looking at u" He said it was as simple as watching TV. I blushed. He was flirting with me. I barely tried to control my flushing beetroot red face. "Rey?" "Huh...." He was yet ogling me in a way which made me to burn under his gaze. I fidgeted. I don't know how he would react to my question. But giving a try wouldn't be in vain. "Today evening" He stilled. "While we kissed, d contact flashed me some images. And d pendant" He looked aside. "What is it, Rey?" I dared to keep my palm on his. He didn't take away. But he wasn't looking at me. Then unexpectedly, he beamed a grimaced smile "You don't stop unless you find out, right?" I relaxed. He laced his fingers through mine. "It's something I just can't confess right now, Taani. Because, it would be better only when you see it through ur soul. The meaning of those images is part of something treasure worthy and I want u to feel it rather than learn it." He tightened d grip on my hand. "D boy is u." I didn't need his approval to understand it was him. "I know u would figure it out" He gave me a cocky grin. I don't know what d magic was, but his touch was soothing. D sleep was distance far from me. Before falling into sleep, I felt his lips brush my knuckles. I smiled, in spite of everything. 

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