Part 5

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"Derek Derek Derek." Riley says over and over.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" she screams to the police officer as my body is lying on the cold ground.

I think I'm dead. I see myself, but I can't feel myself. I can hear and see everything. But I don't think they can hear or see me.

"Riley?" No answer.
"Riley?" Still not answer.
"I love you, Riley." No answer. I'm dead.

"Officer, you just killed my person. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you understand what you just did? An innocent kid is dead because of you. Congrats."

"He was running out of the store like he robbed the place."

"Or maybe he was running out the store because it was raining. Did that ever cross your mind? Did it ever occur to you that not everyone walks when it's pouring? Oh I know what crossed your mind. You thought about his skin colour first. You saw his skin and automatically assumed he robbed. Is that what it is? Don't deny it. I know that's what it was."

"No. He definitely stole. There's no way he could have payed for all of this." The officer starts to come to the realization he killed an innocent life.

"Well here's the damn receipt." Riley takes out the receipt from the bag and hands it to the police officer.

"Oh. Oh my god." The officer puts his hand over his mouth in shock. He backs away and starts hyperventilating. This is when everything hit him. This is when he stopped and thought "wow. this was someone's son I just killed. An innocent kid."
The officer ran into his car and drove off.
Riley sits in silence. She's crying. Sobbing. She sobs while she picks up the phone. Oh god. What will my mother think?

"Mrs. Richards?" Riley cries loudly into the phone.

"Yes Riley? Are you okay?"

"No... it's Derek." She cries louder into the phone as I hear my mom sob. She knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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