Part 4

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I wake up to the noise of birds chirping and my phone ringing.

"Derek? Where the hell are you? I've been calling you but you never answered. You said you'd be home in a few hours. What happened?"
"Don't worry, mom. We just fell asleep watching the stars and talking. We'll be in our way home. Love you."
"Okay. Drive safe, my love. I was so worried about you."
"I'm sorry. Bye."

I wake Riley and tell her we should leave. She seems tired so I offer to drive.

On the way home, I stop to get an iced coffee. We continue our three hour drive.

Riley doesn't like silence. She puts on her favourite CD. It's an Elton John CD.

As songs pass by, we sing our heart out to Tiny Dancer. I see a smile grow on Riley's face. I think she feels the same way about me. The same fuzzy feeling I get when she walks into a room. The smile that grows as I look at her and watch her grow into this happy person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

It starts raining. Then Riley says she wants snacks.
I pullover to go to the grocery store that we passed by. I offer to go instead of her so she doesn't get wet. Or ruin her beautiful hair.
I text Riley asking what she wants. I grab them quickly and go to the cash register. As soon as I'm done paying I run out of the store to avoid getting rained on more than I have to.

As I'm running to the car suddenly I hear a deep voice. A deep, intimidating voice.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" I turn my head a little to see it's a police officer. I ignore him. I'm just trying to get to my car. I'll put the snacks in the car then talk to the officer.

"sorry, sir. Let me just put these groceries in the ca-"

Riley starts screaming from the top of her lungs.

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