Part 1

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Hi! I'm Derek. I'm a 15 year old from Arcadia, Indiana. It's a small town in Indiana with absolutely nothing to do. The most interesting thing that has happened here was Ms. Gilmore's cat dying. She cried so loud she woke up the entire town. Including me. Truly traumatizing.

Now that you've heard about my town it's time you hear about me.

As I stated before, I'm 15. I go to some random high school in the middle of nowhere. I have absolutely no friends. None. None whatsoever. This town is very conservative. Meaning they're also racist. Racists raise racist children. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I'm black. My mother is black, my father is black, and I'm black. We're the only black family in this racist place. Which is why I don't have friends.

When I was in kindergarten white kids always made fun of me for being different. They said I had funny hair, a funny nose, a funny skin color. Everything about me was funny. I didn't have blonde hair, blue eyes, or white skin. To them and to everyone that raised them, I was different and not in a good way.

The teachers never really accepted me either. None of them gave me the grades I deserved. I can say proudly that I'm the smartest person at that school. (Have you seen these kids write essays? They make it seem so easy to mix up there, they're, and their.) There's one teacher that gave me justice. He was always there for me. His name was Michael Osborne. Whenever I needed someone to talk to or someone to have lunch with he always kept his door open. He died last year from a heart attack. It was probably all those energy drinks.

Anyway, he was such an amazing teacher. The only person that seemed to care aside from my parents. Now I have no one. I'm just a lonely kid with no friends and no life.

That was until true until I heard a knock on my front door.

Life of DerekOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora