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Stiles pov

Mason and Liam ran in to the room and said Peter out side with kanima, I said ok well I guess we will go and do what we do best i guess the FBI can come but don't shoot it will be worse also anyone got the keys to my jeep. Liam said yep right let's go Lydia take the jeep, also can one of the humans make a pit stop to the clinic and get mountain ash please. They lead us to the loft, and I said do what we done last time if you think you should, the rest fight Derek, Maila and the twins your against Peter everyone else fight the kanima untill I find out who it is. My team stand there with guns out don't shoot unless I call your name and say to Derek I will call you Morgan ok. Scott don't hurt the kanima we need to get it back in control the problem is we might have to put Liam on the line, every one shouted why he is the youngest I said because its Theo and Theo cares about Liam so if we can get through to him then we might get back to normal. Look Scott it's the last resort, Derek  keep fighting  Peter Lydia now, I walk over to Theo and said look you don't want this to happen it will hurt Liam if you carry on like this, I will forget everything you done, you can join the pack and become a pup Scott and I will look after you, you can live with Scott untill I can come home. he is gaining some control so i pull Liam in front of me and say look its Liam.

Peter then grabs Spencer and Morgan said let pretty boy go, Morgan shut up i know what I need to do, I trun to the pack and say we got a problem there is a Mountain Ash barrier around my team which means only my dad, Allison, Chris, Mason, Danny and I can go in as we don't know if he still has control over Theo. I said ok Peter you can take me to where you want to go, we can fight but you leave my team and my pack out do we have a deal? He said yes but I want you and Allison to fight me, she looked at me to see if she should i just nodded my head, Allison came in the circle and I said now you got what you want now let my team go I said step over the black line and Danny put another ring around them as they don't know how to fight supernatural. I said to Peter do you what to tell everyone what happend the last time you fought Allison and I when you was an alpha and now you are human? Peter turns to everyone and said I lost a fight against them. Derek, Scott my dad and Chris said wait you fought him we said yes but before was say anything else don't hold it against us as we was under age and now we are about to admit in front of everyone and to the FBI.

Look we was bored and was not included in anything Scott you and Derek was with your boss, Lydia and Jackson was on a date, dad you was working a night shift, Chris I believe you was hunting Scott and Derek. So I found Allison upset in the car I told her to go home and get dressed in to a party dress after I told her to change 50 times because the dresses was awful and before you say anything Chris, dad and Scott you should know im gay, so finally she looked hot in a dress and we could go. Allison said he blind folded me and took me to a strip club, they would not let us In so Stiles turned to me and said im sure he is gay or bisexual and said I will flirt my way in so Stiles being him went up to the bouncer and done the most iconic thing in history tripped over and said looks like I am really falling for you, after a while they bouncer said ok guys in enjoy your night.

Allison said it was the funniest thing I had seen at the time because the bouncer was like your really cute we should hook up sometime and slipped his number in to Stiles pockets once we got in side Stiles ripped the number up and because they ID out side we could get drinks quite easy, so we got absolutely wasted and then we saw Peter going on stage as a dancer so I looked at Stiles and said book him for a private dance, i said no chance and Allison said fine I will do it so we went up to the bar and that's how they did it in this club and Allison said we would like to book him we pointed at Peter they took us to a room and then Peter walked in and said I should have guessed it was you two then he said fight me so I did he turned in to the Alpha and Allison had arrows on her so she threw them at him while i punched him repeatedly we then dragged him out side through the fire door and left we walked home and picked the car up the following day.

I said we will beat you again Peter, Allison was the opposite side of me and I jumped at Peter and so did Allison he saw me and turned around only to be pushed to the floor I bent down and said you can leave Beacon Hills now and never come back or you can continue on fighting us time and time again for you to lose, he grabbed me and flipped us over so I was on the floor and i said you know I always knew you liked it this way Allison said no he liked it when he was on the floor and we was on top, which meant flip him and she held him down and grabbed an arrow and pushed it in to his leg we got up and said you lost again. He got up and left he said I will be back and I will bring people with me next time I said you tried this time only we got control of him so good luck.

We broke all the Ash barriers and everyone shouted wait you went to a strip club underage I said yeah we did, Scott said wait how did I not know you was gay when you went on about Lydia for years, Allison said hugged me and whispered wait you never told him I said no you knew why I could not, she whispered if you don't tell him by the end of this story I will, i pulled away from the hug and said no don't he got someone else. Scott's mom came in and said you have still not told them, I said we are now I said to Scott I did not tell you because it was when all this started, Hotch said I don't think you should come back with us you are better off here you need to help them and save them, Spencer said you know we should probably tell them that the reason you was wearing my shirt. I turned to Morgan and said please don't kill me but I might of hooked up with Spencer a few time Morgan ran at me I said you can do that but It won't hurt as I have been pushed and knocked over by werewolfs and they are ten times stronger than you. I said it's good now it won't happen again as I'm back home. Derek said so who is it that you like I said to Allison we forgot about the super hearing after all this time, she laughed.

I walked out, and she came after me and said you know there are not together anymore right, I said ok but I can't tell them, im lucky I learnt how to control my heartbeat around him. We go back in and Allison said to the pack you will all want to sit down and turned to the FBI and said its up to you if you want to sit down and listen.

Allison pov

Once the pack all sat down so did the FBI Stiles said are you really going to tell them, what if the react bad you know I can't out run a werewolf, I said oh shit he said what? I said well you just narrowed it down as you said werewolf, he said well im going by the door I might need a head start, I said when I got together with Isaac you all said to me why was you and Stiles so close well  the truth is i found out Stiles was Gay and really liked someone but I could not hurt him so I started dating someone else i heard Scott say it me isn't it i said umm maybe Scott said of course it me when we broke up i asked you why and you said i can't hurt my friend, I just did not put it together, Stiles love me doesn't he? I turned to look at Stiles and I seen everyone do the same he was gone I said to Scott look he love you more than a friend more than a brother and right now, he is scared which will be very funny in about two minutes. Then you can tell him if you want to be more than friends or not but it won't hurt him.

Stiles ran back in and jumped on me and said how do you fancy going to a stip club right now, i need to run away from my problems I said no not this time he said why I said because you have to face the pack and the FBI, he said I know but our regular is there he just phoned. i said no Stiles it's not happening, his phone went off and he said yeah no we are not going today you can give our room to someone else, yeah i know she told me i had to face my problems, i know right it like Allison has never met me, i took the phone put it ok speaker and said hey Kian I know im a bitch but maybe we will bring the FBI and The Pack in a bit? but for now we are not going, Stiles and I both said love you kian bye. After we ended the call Scott came over to us and said Stiles you are my anchor also my partner in crime, I will alway love you whether it is as friends or more, he then grab Stiles and kissed him, once they parted Stiles grabbed me the pups and Scott and we went outside and said ok how would you lot feel if we did live in that house that we bought, I said the one that me and you bought?  he said yes the full pack can live there all rooms are sound proof and it would be fun. I said yes sure the pups said please mom and dad, I said who are you talking to the pups pointed to Scott and Stiles I said oh OK, Scott said yes. we went back in and Scott said to the pack we are all moving in together, and Stiles turned to the FBI and said it has been fun working with you but this is me family and this is my home so I will be staying here.

Nobody pov

They all moved in together, Scott and Stiles dated for a few week but then decided to remain best friends but still let the pack call them mom and dad or Whatever they want to call Scott and stiles.

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