We knew each other before

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( for this story Allison moved senior year of high school)
Scott's pov

We was all at Jackson's house for pack bonding and someone suggested we play never have i ever so, we all sat in a circle all of a sudden Allison started laughing and said oh god this is going to end badly, Stiles then said as long as it does not end up with me in a pool again it will be fine. Everyone then shouted what and Stiles said oh when I went to a party the other side of town I ended up playing a game with them I got wasted and jumped in a pool, also to my knowledge Allison was not at the party so I think she is on about something else. We played until some one asked did any of you know each other before going to high school does not count if you went to middle school with each other Allison and Stiles both take a drink of their drinks they both then realised what and happened and said at the same time I'm not explaining to them.

Then they both stood up and moved to either side if the room Stiles turned to me and I would not stay where you are. We all moved and Allison ran at Stiles and Stiles just stood there and flipped her over so she end up on floor she then got up and pulled Stiles down, so she pinned his arms above his head she thought she had won when he wrapped his legs around her wasted and flipped them, Allison said i give up.

Allison pov

I got up and said ok me and Stiles went to a party, Stiles went with one of his childhood friends called Lola i went with my friend who is called James well at some point through the night we lost them and ran in to each other and asked each other have you seen my friend? then we went looking for them and found them in one of the bed rooms together we quickly left and Stiles told Lola that he was leaving and I said i can't leave as James was my ride so Stiles said he would take me home he had not been drinking well he did but only one beer. He ended up staying at my house as it was 3 in the morning, so we ended up exchanging numbers because we knew the other two would not remember, we both got a phone call in the morning say we don't known where we are, lucky for them Stiles put a tracker on Lola's phone when they go to parties so we went to pick them up and took them to get James car I got out and went with James and Lola went with Stiles we said by and we thought we would never see each other again.

Stiles Pov

I carried on for Allison, as you can guess that was not true well 2 months later Lola told me she was pregnant I asked do you know who the dad is? she told me it was James I said ok and we booked an appointment and everything was fine she phoned James and told him Lola did not want to go on her own so I went with her and apparently James thought the same so we was at the hospital and they bought an apartment together we left did not see each other till the day the baby was born we happened to be at the hospital at the same time. We carried on as normal then Allison moved to beacon hills and we pretend we did not know each other because we new we would have load of questions.

My phone rung as I was explaining I looked at it and threw the phone to Allison and she answered it and said hello I can't here what Lola said but im going to guess it was your friends found out about you two because Allison said yes but whats up? I said put the phone on speaker and I said what's up princess she said I told you to stop calling me that and I said never now you going to tell me why you phoned? Lola said I need you to have Willow for the night I said ok, where you to? she said outside your jeep I put the phone down and ran out side and hugged her and said it has been 2 months since I have seen you Allison came down and hugged her and asked how James is and she said we have a date planned which is why Stiles is having her for the night. I pick her up and got her bags I had Allison put the car seat in my jeep and we went back in to Jackson's where the rest was I said bye and I will see you tomorrow.

Allison went and warmed up a bottle of milk and I fed her once we got upstairs, and said now do you see why we did not tell you we wanted to not remember that night but it will never happen because I have a beautiful little niece that does not really like Allison, Danny said how do you know so I got up and give Willow to Allison and she screamed so I took her back and she calmed down immediately, but I did spend a lot of time with Lola when she was pregnant and it is know that a baby knows voices when in the womb so she might recognise my voice. Also at the start we said we was not at the same party well it was a lie and I ended up in the pool because Allison pushed me in after I jokingly told her to wait for James and he can take you and Lola home. Well we ended up fighting and she pushed me in I got out and chased her and flipped her like I done earlier, I then went to my jeep and changed out of my wet clothes Allison stood in front of me as we was right out side the party and then I took her home.

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