we should explain

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( A/N most of the pack are 21, liam and that lot are 18 a d Derek is about 25)

Scott's pov

the pack was at Stiles House but Stiles was not there, 30 minutes later walks in in the phone to someone and he said no im not picking you up use your speed or something im not going to drive to LAX to pick you up when you can run here in less than 5 minutes, i said hello Stiles he said to whoever was on the phone that he has to go. he went hey everyone, Scott you will love who I was on the phone to, I said you going to tell me? Stiles went nope as I know you will tell the pack and then i can't watch their faces. after about an hour of talking a girl walked down stairs and i said is it really you, she said yes its me and guess what? you are going to be an uncle. me and Stiles passed out.

jenny pov

I looked up to see people staring at me i said hey i will explain everything in a bit but don't worry about to two idots on the floor, this used to happen every day. i said so any of you want to sit down. After ten minutes Scott and Stiles woke back up and i said why hello boys have a nice nap? Stiles went i had the strangest dream you told me and Scott that you was pregnant. I went that was not a dream he went ok but how is he uncle Scott what am I? I went well you will be the dad? Stiles went no no that's not true please tell that this is a prank. I went Stiles please the biological father is a dick and I need someone who will be able to teach the kid control, like you taught me, Scott and the others. Stiles went no i will teach the kid control i will do every you need me to well Scott can do the pain part but the kid will can call me uncle deal? I went fine and Scott went fine.

Stiles pov

the pack went who is this Stiles? i looked at Scott, Scott looked at Jenny and Jenny looked at me and went have fun boys i will be in your room Stiles also can I have clothes? I went yeah in my closest but Scotts hoodie is on the back of the door. she kissed my cheek and done the same to Scott. Allison went umm any reason she kissed your cheek? I said yeah it calm's her down and we are all like siblings which is why we will be uncles. Scott went she is Jenny she has super speed as well as a few others but Stiles has managed yet again to learn everything and train us because I have super speed and I mean i can run faster then Derek. she is from London, you know how we disappear randomly and then show back up it because we are fighting other meta humans, they are a bit like supernatural which is why when you all say I should not come to a fight and Scott say i should it because he know what im capable of. after we explained Jenny ran down the stairs in to Scotts arms and said boys we have a problem their is a meta human that has followed me here, now I can't fight as I'm pregnant so you two are going to have to take care of it and your pack cannot get involved i will stay here with them while I talk to you through comms Stiles and Scott I know you hate it but please so I can hear you back. Scott went fine, i set up the camera and audio so Jenny can advise us and then i said we have not got out suits here scott, he went oh no what are we going to do? Jenny then threw something at Derek and said take it out of the bag and watch their reaction. Scott someone is touching our suit and I'm going to kill them. Scott went yeah it is Derek and I know killer is in your name but can we not kill out pack.

I went fine and Scott and I changed in to our suits we done it in front of the pack but we done it with ice all around us then Scott ran around it and threw a lightning bolt every one was fine as Jenny had the suit on so it hit the suit and then the bolt went dead. Scott was about to leave i said wait let me track them. Ok Scott they are by the school if we do this then it might come as a regular thing, it's bad enough with supernatural never mind the meta's are you sure Scott he went Stiles we spent year in that school, a few of our pack members still go to this school, Stiles we have to do this and we are the only ones that can the rest of the team is off world and in London. I went ok we do this but what are we doing with the after because we can't take them to a normal prison they will get out, if we take the to place Peter is then that means more people will know about us so what are we going to do? Jenny went prison freeze then get Kara and Clarke to get them take the back to star labs it London? I went yeah that could work now Scott lets do what we do best.

teenwolf short stories (mainly Stiles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon