Pack sleepover

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Scott's pov

We was all going over to Derek's loft to have a sleep over, Stiles was driving over and when we was on our way I asked him are you sure you want to go as you are having nightmares again Stiles said I will be fine plus you will be there and you know how to deal with them. I said ok we will go. We pull up and see that everyone is there and they have set up I decided to be close to Liam and Stiles was by the girls because they called him over so he went and set up over there.

Stiles Pov

We was all at Derek's loft and I was by Allison and Lydia which did worry me as Scott was  the other side of the room to me and I had been having  nightmares and only Scott and my dad can calm me down and get me back to sleep not even Ms McCall can. Scott kept on giving me reassuring look, As Derek had modified the lot there was a toilet, TVs and game consoles there so while the other where playing a game and the girls was watching TV I went to the toilet and I noticed that Scott was behind me and he said everything will be fine even if you do have a nightmare I am here and I can deal with it as well as the other if they say something ok, I said ok and he went back to the area everyone was while I went to the toilet. Around 1 am everyone  started to go asleep which I was happy about I fell asleep at around 1: 30, at about 4 am I started to shake and breath heavy Allison woke up because of it and tried to wake me up but she could not with all the fuss Derek, Lydia, Isasc and Danny woke up. Lydia then screamed to try and wake me up which it did not but it did wake Jackson, Liam and Scott up.

Scott asked what the matter and Allison said that I woke her up because i was shaking and was breathing  heavily. Scott told them all to move as he new I was going to start kicking and waving my arms about, they moved  back but Scott moved closer to me and was taking to me he kept on saying Stiles it Scott im going to sit behind you ok, Derek said to Scott what are you doing he will hit you? Scott told them all to shut up and he knew what he was doing he has done this for year before he got bit and we new you all, Scott got behind be and sat down and then pulled me closer to him he took off his top and placed it in my hands so I could smell it and hold it which I do and I stop shaking but im now sobbing, Scott just keeps telling me that he is here and it will be OK he then moves me on to his lap and places my head on to his chest where I listened to his heartbeat and calm down fully after about 30 minutes I woke up and looked around to see everyone staring at me so I got up off Scott and ran to the toilet and started cry because I was embarrassed, after 5 minutes I go back out and look for Scott who was still with everyone but I just run to him and clung to him as I was terrified and embarrassed.

He went over to his bag and put another t-shirt on and got me one of his hoodie's we all sat down and I said I'm really sorry for waking you all up, Scott if fine im used to it it part of the sleepovers now. I said Scott you don't count only you and my dad can wake me up and calm me down, Scott then said do you want to talk about this one or no I said yes Scott then asked with everyone or do you want to go to the jeep? I said I will say it in front of everyone I think they deserve to know as I woke them all up. I said I almost killed you and Allison again it was exactly like the last time the same setting the same people screaming at me to stop and I could not, I hurt you again Scott I hurt you and you are my brother, I broke the promise. Scott said no you didn't remember we talked about this its all the memories that the nogitsune left in you to haunt you know calm down and go back to sleep you can move your sleeping bag next to mine. I said goodnight to the pack. Scott said he will be back to the pack, they all moved to the area where the TV is, Scott lays down next to me and I put my head on his chest and I fall asleep in with in ten minutes.

Scott's pov

Once Stiles had fell back to sleep I moved him off me and on to the pillow, I then went back to everyone else and told them all they need to be quite as he is sleeping  but I will explain what's going on. After the nogitsune he was having nightmares  like the ones before it so I slept over his house to make sure he was OK he kept on shaking  but he was not screaming or walking in to the woods so it was ok  but he would not let anyone near him my mom tried to calm him down when he slept over at mine and he did not calm down he was worse, his dad can calm him down and I can but whoever is calming him down needs to give them their shirt and no don't even try to calm him down because as you saw when you was getting closer to him he was worse then when I was near him. Isaac when you was over at Allisons house is when he sleeps over because he did not want you to know as he was very embarrassed  but he really did not want to let you lot down so he came because he knew I was here. As I was explaining Stiles screamed so I just shouted back im still here im just by the TV. He then stopped screaming and I knew he was settling down again. Derek asked how did you know how to do that? Because  I have grown up with him and he knows how to calm me down as well. Now when he wake up in the morning  he will probably not remember what has happened until, he has taken his tablets and has had breakfast. Now it time we all go back to sleep.

Once we all woke up at 10 o'clock Stiles was already awake and he had remembered  what had happened which did mean he was clingy with me for a bit which I was fine with it, as he is only like this because we are around other people, he sat next to me while I was having breakfast, when it was time to get dressed he came with me to the bathroom and waited out side the door when it was time for him to get dressed i had to stay in with him and turn around. After awhile he started to talk to the girls because the was near us so he was comfortable he was worried that the boys was going to make fun of him but they did not, by dinner time he was fine with everyone again. Before we all left I said we should do this again and Stiles will be next to me or if he is not and he has a nightmare again whoever is near him don't bother trying to wake him just wake me up and if you see me have a nightmare wake Stiles up.

Stiles and I got back in the jeep to drive home i was staying at my house tonight as Stiles dad has the night off, on the way to my house Stiles said thank you for dealing with me again expecially after you woke up as I was very clingy to you, I said Stiles you are my brother we look out for each other, we help each other no matter what I will still love you we might argue and disagree on some things but I will always be there to love you and help you. Stiles said I love you too and thank you.

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