Chapter Seven- Deceit

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"So what next?" I asked the doctor, " How do we save John?"

The Doctor looked a little off. "I..." he trailed off, "We can't... He... I'm sorry."

"We have to be able to!" I said desperately, " Dad... He said you can travel through time, couldnt you just go back and stop it from ever happening! Or at least.. what actually happened to him? Is he dead? He just disappeared, there was no body. Can you find him?"

I realized I was sounding desperate and grasping at invisible straws but I couldn't help myself. I needed my dad back and i really missed John. He was one of the only people who was family to me after all.

The Doctor was still silent, and then he spoke, "I know what happened to John, er well, the just of it. I can't go back to save him though. It would cause a paradox that could tear the world apart. I.. I don't know what to do."

"So what if there's a paradox! I don't care just get him back!" I realized what I was saying but I didn't care anymore. The pain had turned me cold and I only knew that we had to get John back.

The Doctor's eyes were getting teady and you could tell he was sorry. I decided I would take that in, and try to manipulate him into it.

"You just get to play God, now don't you? You think you can choose who lives and who dies? Do you just save the ones you care about and leave the rest in the dust? And you call yourself some "Doctor"!" I shoved him in the chest. "You don't fix things or people! You only ruin! You ruin lives! I never should have come to you, if I'd known how little you cared I wouldn't have!"

With this I ran. I felt guilty, I knew it must have hurt him badly but I needed to do whatever I could, and I didn't have many options.

I got a few blocks away and as I panted, I looked down at the thing I'd stolen as I had shoved him.

A silver key.

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