Chapter Ten - 2012

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The TARDIS began shaking and whirring and I heard the same noise as before, when the Doctor arrived. It shook so badly that it was all I could do to stay standing, to stay pointing the gun. I decided against the latter while the TARDIS was shaking because I didn't want to accidentally pull the trigger. I turned safety on and put it in my bag.

While I had the time, I allowed myself to marvel at the size of the inside of the small police box. It was exhilarating, terrifying, and wonderful all at the same time. I was lost in my thoughts when the TARDIS finally landed.
I shook out of it and I told the Doctor thank you as I headed towards the door. I heard him move and I turned around to see him reaching out for my arm. When I faced towards him he put his arm back at his side.

"Please let me come with you," he said, "I know I can't convince you to quit, but I can help you to not cause a huge rip in time and space."

I was going to say no but I knew how important it was to him. Anyways , he would be helpful when it came to the Weeping Angels, if nothing else.

"Okay you can come," I said, "but only if you promise not to try to stop me."

"Deal," he agreed, "As long as you don't point that gun at me again."

We stepped out of the TARDIS into the chill air of a London morning. Everything looked nearly the same but not quite, everything was a little newer and some buildings here aren't in the city in my time.

I had been to the building before, after, whatever. So I knew where it was, but it was a bit far so I yelled into the street for a cab.

We got in and, after I told the man the address, I slid the little window closed for some privacy, before I turned to the doctor and asked, "If you were to do this, how would you? To cause the least amount of damage."

His eyebrows scrunched up a bit as he thought. After a few minutes, I leaned back and closed my eyes, disappearing into my mind palace (something my dad had taught me). I needed to find out how that TARDIS worked so I watched and rewatched the Doctor starting his machine. I had almost figured enough out to travel back in time when I became aware that someone was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked up at the doctor.

"We're here," he said. Then he stepped out. I reached in my pocket, put the money through the window, muttered a thanks, and then I also opened my door and stepped out.

It was strange but the place actually seemed older than when I had seen it, it, in about a year. I felt no need to tell the Doctor the obvious fact of where we were, so I just watched as he examined the stone angel in front of the building.

"I think, the best way would be to get rid of the angels ourselves. When was the last person, aside from John taken?" the Doctor asked me.

"Today," I responded, "and my dad gets the files tomorrow."

"Let's do it tomorrow then. Is there a place we can stay?"

"I think I know a place..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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