Chapter Four - What Happened to the Angels

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   "Watson is dead, and you only care about the angels!?" Sherlock was almost yelling, but not quite because he knew if he did then security would come and we would have to leave.

   "You know that's not true," the Doctor pleaded, " But if those angels are still out there then the whole planet could be in danger. You need to tell me what happened, the whole story, beginning to end."

   Dad finally gave in and began his story.

   "We were at home and John was making tea, when my phone rang. It was Lestrade with a case. I told him we'd be there right away. I told Watson to grab his coat and he did so right away. He turned off the oven and we left. Usually he would make some remark about the wasted tea but I think the boredom of our "dry spell" was getting to him too.

   "When we got to the Yard (Lestrade had told me that there was no crime scene, a fact that made it sound very interesting) Lestrade met us at the door. He had us follow him to his desk where there were quite a few files in a pile. He handed the pile to me.

   ""All of these people have gone  missing in the past week. We haven't found anything linking them yet." Lestrade told me.

   ""No doubt you have copies of these so I'll just take them home and look over them." I said after skimming through a couple of them.

   "When we got back to the apartment I looked over the cases more deeply after a while John asked if I had found anything. For the first time I hadn't, so I kept quiet. Then finally I noticed something.  In two pictures the people, obviously tourists were posing in front of a crying statue. "John. Come have a look at this." I said, waving him over.

   ""I can't find anything except this. The angel..." I told him. We couldn't figure out what that meant until the next day.

   "I was taking a walk to clear my mind when I  walked past an old abandoned building. I walked past it then stopped and turned around. It was the same angel. I stared at it and then walked cautiously into the building."

   "There were more inside. I texted John the address and began to explore. It was rather dark in the building so I used my phone as a torch. There were so many. Then I realized. I'd seen some of these on the way in. They were following me. John showed up and handed me a torch.

   ""John. The angels are moving..." I said. My phone blinked out and when it came back on we saw one with a face contorted in a successful attempt to scare us. I tried to calm down. "Okay, John," I said, "They seem to only move when we can't see them so let's walk back to back and use both our phones for light"

   "We did so and made it out. I tried to make sense of what I'd seen in the cab home. All of a sudden John spoke,  "Sherlock," Whatever those... demons are...they won't stop. Will they?"
   ""I don't think so," I replied.

   "" So we have to destroy them." John paused, "But how?"

  " I thought about it. We could try blowing them up but it would make too much legal turmoil. Then I had an idea.

   ""What if they look at each other?" I wondered aloud, "Neither could move. They would be stuck. Tomorrow we should tear open any windows and bring proper torches and trap them in such a form!"
   "We agreed upon this and went back the next day. We had almost got them stuck until... the torches flickered out again and whrn the light shone again there was one reaching for me and one reaching for where John was...had been... standing. I knew what had happened and felt grief roll into me like it never had before but I had to finish so I pushed it back and finished trapping them. I walked out of the circle they were formed in, leaving my flashlight in such a way that they could all see each other, and out of the building.  I remember the sun was so bright and I couldn't bear it and then it was dark."

   The room was silent.

   "I made preparations with my brother and he took the angels and put them in a well lit room somewhere," finished Dad.

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