Chapter Nine - The Surrender

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I watched the lock turn in the door, easily, as if by second nature to the key's holder. The door opened slowly to reveal the Doctor. He looked at me, looked at the gun, and put his hands up in a demonstration of peace.

"I won't hurt you," I said, "If you do what I want."

"But-" The Doctor started to protest.

"You will take me to January 4 2012," I interuppted him, "Three days before John died."

The Doctor looked ready to protest again but then he looked up at me with a sad expression and sighed.

I felt bad, I really did. I'm not as cold or as non-empathetic as my father. However, I'm just as manipulative and as I watched him set to work on the controls, slowly, as if he were being held at gunpoint (which he was), I took note of everything he did and kept any weakness or regret off of my face.

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