Chapter 19

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Jayce’s Point Of View


I hide in the woods, as I see someone carry Autumn out of the burning house. All the vampires have scattered into the woods, but I’m the only one not running, besides Autumn, who seems to have passed out because of the smoke.

“Yo, guys, I found a shapeshifter in there who was taken prisoner!” The guy carrying Autumn runs over to the group of hunters. “Although she accidentally swallowed a teeny tiny miniscule small little drop of vampire blood.”

“Then you should have left her in there!” One of the hunters does a facepalm. “Seriously, Liam, you have so much to learn.”

“I’m not going to let her explode to bits. She saved my life!” Liam protests.

“You need to learn that vampire hunters kill vampires.” Another hunter walks over to him and takes out a stake, then raises it over Autumn’s chest. “You can’t be a softie.”

“Stay away from her.” I hiss, stepping out of the forest.

“Oh, a vampire against a group of about twenty hunters.” The guy lowers his stake away from Autumn. “How thoughtful.”

“I said stay away from her.” I yell.

“Kill him.” He says, and all the hunters charge at me with stakes. And guns. Guns can also kill vampires if you get it in the heart.

“Run!” I yell at Liam, and he runs with Autumn in his arms as I battle the hunters.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Where stories live. Discover now