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Wind howls, echoing throughout the dark, shadowy, forest. I take another step, in my boots, crunching on old, dark orange leaves. The deciduous trees are bare of any leaves, creating a spooky atmosphere. This is the season I was named for, Autumn. It’s usually beautiful.

But not tonight.

I clutch my flashlight, as I keep an eye out for anything that moves beside me. I hear a wolf howl, and the wind whips strands of brunette hair into my face.

I reach a clearing, and I see mist settling over the long, tall grass. I shiver. I should’ve brought a jacket.

Where am I? I ask myself. And how do I get home?

Then a bush rustles. A twig snaps. Footsteps. Heavy breathing. Turn around. Its just a bad dream. It’ll be over soon. My brain reasons. Its  probably just a bunny.

I hesitate, then bite my lip. 1, 2, 3. I quickly whirl around, and I see a handsome guy with lush, walnut colored hair swept over his forehead. His face is striking, his nose is sharp, and so is his chin. The most prominent features are his pale skin, the color of moonlight, his green hazel eyes, and who could forget his soft blood red lips, with something red and thick spilling over them.

“Can you help me get home? I’m lost.” I say to him.

“Oh, maybe a little later.” He says, and smiles, showing his sharp teeth. Dark pink, from whatever he ate or drank last, probably a rare steak. “First of all, I’m very thirsty. I’d like a drink.”

“I don’t have any water on me.” I shrug. “Theres probably some at my house, if you could just help me,”

“I don’t want water.” He strides toward me. “It starts with a b. Can you guess?”

“Sorry, I don’t have any beer.” I say.

“Not beer. Blood.”

I laugh.

“Who ever said I was kidding?” He then grasps my shoulders in an icy cold grip. “Maybe I’ll save you to be like me, but I’m not sure. Depends on how well you cooperate.”

“What do you mean?” I gasp.

“You haven’t honestly figured it out yet? You must have some kind of guess. Come on. Starts with a v, ends with an e.”

I hesitate, then finally respond; “Vampire?”

“We have a winner.” He smirks, and puts his right hand on my head, and bends it over. “This will hurt. A lot.”

He leans over my neck, and I feel his lips kiss my skin, then gently inserts his fangs into my flesh. Not that it felt gentle.

I cry out loudly, my screams echoing into the night, overpowering the voices of the wolves’ howls. He starts to drain me of fluid, and I start to feel faint and dizzy. Soon I’m too weakened to shriek. All I can manage is a whine.

“Now heres the fun part.” He speaks, and sinks his teeth into his skin and make a small cut. He holds it over my mouth. “Open it.”

I refuse, clamping my mouth shut.

“Then we’ll have to do it the hard way.” His teeth bite me again and drinks a little bit more. I open my lips, gasping at the pain, and he quickly perks his head up and squeezes a drop of blood out. It trickles into my mouth and down my throat. “Happy adventures.”

The man gets up and then sprints away. I try to shakily sit up, but I plunge back down again.

I’m left alone. Just me and the burning sensation springing across my body.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Where stories live. Discover now