Chapter 4

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On the bus, I sit down in a seat, and then Lakeesha and her friends get on at the next stop.

“Thats our seat.” Lakeesha growls, as the bus starts to get going. The bus driver is wearing earbuds.

“I sat here first!” I protest.

“I don’t care. Get up before you know what happens.” One her friends  places her hand on her hip.

“No.” I shake my head.

“You asked for it, then.” Lakeesha smirks, and punches, aiming right for my nose. I cringe as her fist collides with my nose, and I reach up to touch it, feeling sticky blood. Her friends laugh.

I get up and go to the seat in the back, trying not to cry.


I go into homeroom and sit next to Jayce, covering my still-bleeding nose.

“Are you okay?” Jayce asks. I unveil my nose, and he flinches.

“I’ll go get you some tissues.” He gets up and walks to the front table, and comes back with a big wad of them. I take them and lift them to my nose. “What happened?”

“Lakeesha.” I say, and sigh.

“Well, I’ll have to give her a piece of my mind.” Jayce looks down.

“Good idea. Jump off a cliff while you’re at it.”

“Don’t worry, she can’t beat me up.” Jayce says, and gets up and goes over to Lakeesha and her posse.

I see them flirt and act like hes part of the group, but Jayce gets right down to business. The girls nod and look concerned, and Jayce comes back over.

“They said you punched Lakeesha first.”

“No, I didn’t!”

“I believe you, don’t worry. They’re liars.” Jayce rolls his eyes. “They thought I would fall for it.”

“Yeah.” I shrug. “Obviously.”


“I don’t appreciate you telling Jayce about our disagreement.” Lakeesha struts up to me in the halls. “I can’t believe you. We need to do something to make sure you don’t again.”

Her friends nod and walk up, arms crossed or hands on hips.

“No, I promise I won’t!” I shudder.

“How do we know you’ll keep your promise?” Lakeesha walks up to me, and her friends corner me.

“I will!” I squeak, as Lakeesha kicks me, in the hip. I fall down, and writhe in pain on the ground as they take turns grinding their feet into my stomach, the same method as last time. Then one kicks me in the head, and I black out, bruised and battered.


I’m standing in front of Jayce in a small clearing in a woodsy forest. I’m looking at myself, when I notice on my arm, 2 red dots. Like a bite.

I look back up at Jayce, and he smiles, his eyes red and blood dripping from his mouth.


I startle awake, on my couch, cozied up in a wool blanket. Mom is sitting on the armchair, sipping steaming coffee.

“Are you okay?” Mom asks, rushing to my side, as I grip the edges of the couch. I nod, and release my held breath. “The school said you fell down the stairs, and you landed on your head and fainted. They said you might have amnesia.”

“I don’t have amnesia, Mom. I just was beat up, I mean, fell down stairs.” I sit up and shrug.

“Alright. Some boy also called you. Anyways, I got to get back to work.” Mom kisses my forehead. “Bye, honey. Text me if you need anything.”


What a perfect Mom. Leaving her bruised daughter to go work on something. I don’t even know if I can walk.


After Mom leaves, I pick up my cell phone, and call Jayce back from the voicemail he sent me, to call him when I woke up.

“How’d you get my number?” I ask him when he picks up.

“I did some snooping in school records when I took you to the nurses office. She had to go into the closet to find something.”

“You creeper.”

“I’m the creeper? On your file was some mentions of believing some kind of dream was real and you needed psychological help.”

“Nobody believed me. They thought I was dehydrated or something and went a little cuckoo after a week lost in the woods.”

“Tell me about this dream.”

“Okay, I was in a meadow at night, and this weird dude came over and bit me, then made me drink his blood. Strange, huh? I guess it really hurt, because I was screaming and everything. But after a few minutes it went away. I can’t believe I survived a week without water.”

“A person is only supposed to survive three days without water.”

“Well, I survived.” I shrug.

“You said you drank his blood?” I hear Jayce sound surprised.

“It was just some lunatic. The worst I could’ve got was rabies.”

“What did it feel like?”

“Fire, burning me everywhere.”

“You haven’t know what you really are for a year?”

“I’m a girl, last time I checked. What’s the biggie?”

“You’ve got to be . . .” Then there was static on the line.

“Sorry, what was that?”

“Your a . . .” Static, again.

“Sorry, I get horrible reception in these damn mountains. I’ll call you later, or we can talk at school, later. Bye!”

“Wait, no!” I hear him call out as I tap the red end call button. I shrug and throw my phone at an armchair, and slowly get up to prepare myself some delicious hot cocoa with a bit of mint extract.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Where stories live. Discover now